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[英]Custom Tab Indicator(With Arrow down like Indicator)


Is there a wat to make a indicator like this? 是否有水做这样的指标?
it has some pointed arrow down like in the selected item? 它有一些向下箭头,就像在所选项目中一样?

The only solution I could find is to grab the source code of the original TabLayout and customize it, according your needs. 我能找到的唯一解决方案是获取原始TabLayout的源代码并根据需要TabLayout进行自定义。

In fact, all you need to do to get this custom pointing arrow is to override SlidingTabStrip 's void draw(Canvas canvas) method. 实际上,获取此自定义指向箭头所需要做的就是重写SlidingTabStripvoid draw(Canvas canvas)方法。 Unfortunately, SlidingTabStrip is private inner class inside TabLayout . 不幸的是, SlidingTabStripTabLayout内部的private内部类。


Luckily, all support library code is open, so we can create our own TabLayoutWithArrow class. 幸运的是,所有支持库代码都是开放的,因此我们可以创建自己的TabLayoutWithArrow类。 I replaced the standard void draw(Canvas canvas) by this one to draw the arrow: 我用这个替换了标准的void draw(Canvas canvas)以绘制箭头:

        public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
            // i used <dimen name="pointing_arrow_size">3dp</dimen>
            int arrowSize = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.pointing_arrow_size);

            if (mIndicatorLeft >= 0 && mIndicatorRight > mIndicatorLeft) {
                canvas.drawRect(mIndicatorLeft, getHeight() - mSelectedIndicatorHeight - arrowSize,
                        mIndicatorRight, getHeight() - arrowSize, mSelectedIndicatorPaint);
                canvas.drawPath(getTrianglePath(arrowSize), mSelectedIndicatorPaint);

        private Path getTrianglePath(int arrowSize) {

            int leftPointX = mIndicatorLeft + (mIndicatorRight - mIndicatorLeft) / 2 - arrowSize*2;
            int rightPointX = leftPointX + arrowSize*2;
            int bottomPointX = leftPointX + arrowSize;
            int leftPointY = getHeight() - arrowSize;
            int bottomPointY = getHeight();

            Point left = new Point(leftPointX, leftPointY);
            Point right = new Point(rightPointX, leftPointY);
            Point bottom = new Point(bottomPointX, bottomPointY);

            Path path = new Path();
            path.setLastPoint(left.x, left.y);
            path.lineTo(right.x, right.y);
            path.lineTo(bottom.x, bottom.y);
            path.lineTo(left.x, left.y);

            return path;

Of course, the background, the particular design of the indicator can be improved/adjust according your needs. 当然,指示器的背景,特定设计可以根据您的需要进行改进/调整。

To make my custom TabLayoutWithArrow , I had to copy these files into my project: 为了创建自定义TabLayoutWithArrow ,我必须将这些文件复制到我的项目中:

  • AnimationUtils AnimationUtils
  • TabLayout TabLayout
  • ThemeUtils ThemeUtils
  • ValueAnimatorCompat ValueAnimatorCompat
  • ValueAnimatorCompatImplEclairMr1 ValueAnimatorCompatImplEclairMr1
  • ValueAnimatorCompatImplHoneycombMr1 ValueAnimatorCompatImplHoneycombMr1
  • ViewUtils ViewUtils
  • ViewUtilsLollipop ViewUtils棒棒糖

To have transparency behind the arrow, you just need to set this Shape - drawable , as a background for the TabLayoutWithArrow : 为了使箭头后面具有透明度,您只需要将此Shape - drawable设置为TabLayoutWithArrowbackground

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >

    <item android:bottom="@dimen/pointing_arrow_size">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#FFFF00" />
    <item android:height="@dimen/pointing_arrow_size"
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#00000000" />

And the actual usage is: 实际用法是:


I've uploaded the whole project (the TabLayoutWithArrow + one-page app which is using it) to my dropbox - feel free to check it out . 我已经将整个项目(正在使用该项目的TabLayoutWithArrow +一页应用程序)上载到我的保管箱- 随时查看

I hope, it helps 希望对您有帮助

现在它不起作用,从支持库23.2.0中删除了tintmanager类,我通过在运行时更改后台可绘制背景来管理相同的功能,以循环检测单击的位置,PS:检查此问题并回答我正在使用同一库: https: //github.com/astuetz/PagerSlidingTabStrip/issues/141

Here is the code for anyone requiring an upward triangle using @Konstantin Loginov code 这是使用@Konstantin Loginov代码的任何需要向上三角形的代码

private Path getTrianglePath(int arrowSize) {


        int leftPointX = mIndicatorLeft + (mIndicatorRight - mIndicatorLeft) / 2 - arrowSize * 1 / 2;
        int mTopX = leftPointX + arrowSize;
        int mTopY = getHeight() - arrowSize;
        int rightPointX = leftPointX + arrowSize * 2;

        int leftPointY = getHeight();

        Point left = new Point(leftPointX, leftPointY);
        Point right = new Point(rightPointX, leftPointY);
        Point bottom = new Point(mTopX, mTopY);

        Path path = new Path();
        path.setLastPoint(left.x, left.y);
        path.lineTo(right.x, right.y);
        path.lineTo(bottom.x, bottom.y);
        path.lineTo(left.x, left.y);

        return path;

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