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[英]XSL function that return square number list with an parameter

I want a function that take an integer parameter n and returns a list of the squares of integers between 1 and n. 我想要一个带有整数参数n并返回1到n之间的整数平方的列表的函数。 If n < 1 then the function returns the empty sequence. 如果n <1,则该函数返回空序列。 For this I use the manufacturer XSL sequence. 为此,我使用制造商的XSL序列。

<xsl:function name="squareNumberList" as="xsd:string">
    <!-- use a param that delimite the list -->
    <xsl:param name="value" as="xsd:decimal *"/>
    <!-- create a sequence of the size of $value and containt 1-2-3-...-value -->
    <xsl:sequence name="seq" select="1 to $value"/>
    <!-- if the value if lesser than 1 return empty sequence -->
    <xsl:if test="value &lt; 1">
        <xsl:value-of select="$value"></xsl:value>
    <!-- calculate 1*1, 2*2, 3*3 ... value*value and store result in res -->
    <xsl:variable name="res" as="xsd:decimal *"> 
        <xsl:for-each select="$seq"> 
            <xsl:sequence select=". * ."/> 
    <!-- return the result -->
    <xsl:value-of select="$res"></xsl:value-of>

Can you confirm that this function is well defined ? 您可以确认此功能定义正确吗?

Aren't you making this more complicated than necessary? 您不是把这个复杂化了吗? A simple one-liner: 一个简单的单线:

<xsl:sequence select="for $i in 1 to $value return $i * $i" />

should do the job. 应该做的工作。

An XPath 2.0 suggestion was already posted, as XPath 3.0 is supported in Saxon 9.7 (all editions) here is an alternative using ! XPath 2.0建议已经发布,因为Saxon 9.7(所有版本)都支持XPath 3.0,这里是使用!的替代方法! :

  <xsl:function name="mf:square-list1" as="xs:integer*">
      <xsl:param name="value" as="xs:integer"/>
      <xsl:sequence select="(1 to $value) ! (. * .)"/>

Using higher order functions and for-each with commercial editions of Saxon 9.6/7 we can also use 使用更高阶的函数并for-each Saxon 9.6 / 7的商业版本进行逐行处理,我们还可以使用

  <xsl:function name="mf:square-list2" as="xs:integer*">
      <xsl:param name="value" as="xs:integer"/>
      <xsl:sequence select="for-each(1 to $value, function($n) { $n * $n })"/>

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