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[英]How to bind ComboBoxItem header to the sibling ListView's items count of Combobox control

Why my first item of Combobox display nothing? 为什么我的组合框的第一项什么都不显示? Anything wrong with my binding? 我的装订有问题吗?

xaml: XAML:

 <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
    <x:Array x:Key="SettingsContextMenuItems" Type="system:Object">
      <MenuItem Header="{Binding ElementName=MainDataGrid, Path=Items.Count}"/>
      <MenuItem Header="TESTA"/>
      <MenuItem Header="TESTB"/>
      <RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
      <RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
      <ComboBox ItemsSource="{StaticResource SettingsContextMenuItems}" />
    <StackPanel Grid.Row="1">
      <ListView x:Name="MainDataGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding TestList}"/>

Code behind: 后面的代码:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
            this.DataContext = new MainViewModel();

ViewModel: 视图模型:

public class MainViewModel
        private ObservableCollection<Test> testList;

        public ObservableCollection<Test> TestList
            get { return testList; }
            set { testList = value; }

        public MainViewModel()
            TestList = new ObservableCollection<Test>();
            TestList.Add(new Test() { Name = "a" });
            TestList.Add(new Test() { Name = "b" });
            TestList.Add(new Test() { Name = "c" });


Already resolved the issue. 已经解决了这个问题。 Though I don't know why binding in Array doesn't work, putting all the MenuItems into the ComboBox's Items property instead of assign ItemsSource could resolve the problem. 虽然我不知道为什么无法在Array中进行绑定,但是将所有MenuItems放入ComboBox的Items属性中,而不是AssignItemSource可以解决此问题。

Thanks all the guys replied. 谢谢所有的人回答。

Although i've just read you finally managed to solve your problem, i'm gonna explain the solution i proposed in the coments. 尽管我已经读过您终于设法解决了您的问题,但我还是要解释一下我在建议中提出的解决方案。

First, we create a ObservableCollection to feed the combobox 首先,我们创建一个ObservableCollection来填充组合框

private ObservableCollection<MenuItem> menuItems;

public ObservableCollection<MenuItem> MenuItems
    get { return menuItems; }
    set { menuItems = value; }

Then in the constructor, we initialize the values like this. 然后在构造函数中,我们像这样初始化值。

MenuItem a = new MenuItem();
a.Header = MainDataGrid.Items.Count;
MenuItem b = new MenuItem();
b.Header = "TESTA";
MenuItem c = new MenuItem();
c.Header = "TESTB";
MenuItems = new ObservableCollection<MenuItem>();

And finally,we bind this collection to the combobox: 最后,我们将此集合绑定到组合框:

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding MenuItems}"/>

This is just to show you the idea. 这只是为了向您展示这个想法。 In your real case it maybe has to be tweaked a bit. 在您的实际情况下,可能必须对其进行一些调整。

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