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Oracle 11gR2:使用多个分隔符拆分字符串(添加)

[英]Oracle 11gR2: split string with multiple delimiters(add)

String val = "ABC,abc|DEF,def|GHI,g hi|JKL,jkl";

How to split this string and insert into tables using sql, pl/sql or whatever.如何使用 sql、pl/sql 或其他方法拆分此字符串并插入表中。

, is column delimiter and | ,是列分隔符和| is row delimiter.是行分隔符。

is it possible?是否可以?

[expected result] [预期结果]

col1    col2
ABC     abc
DEF     def
GHI     g hi
JKL     jkl

Addition Question补充问题

Thanks reply.谢谢回复。 I have a another question.我还有一个问题。

this is a string.这是一个字符串。

String val = "ABC,abc||D|@EF,def||G|HI,g hi||JKL,jkl";

I want to split by only ||我只想按|| delimiter.分隔符。 how to use the RegExp?如何使用正则表达式?

I try it such as '[^|]{2}+' , '^[|]{2}+', 1, etc..我尝试诸如'[^|]{2}+''^[|]{2}+', 1,等。

this is my wrong result.这是我的错误结果。

[wrong result] [错误结果]

COL1       COL2
---------- ----------
BC         abc
@EF        def
HI         g hi
JKL        jkl

[expected result] [预期结果]

col1    col2
ABC     abc
D|@EF   def
G|HI    g hi
JKL     jkl

Try this.尝试这个。 It will help you out.它会帮助你。

SELECT SUBSTR(A.tx,1,instr(a.tx,',',1)-1) col1,
  SUBSTR(A.tx,instr(a.tx,',',1)       +1,LENGTH(a.tx)) col2
  (SELECT TRIM(regexp_substr(REPLACE('ABC,abc||D|@EF,def||G|HI,g hi||JKL,jkl','||','$'),'[^$]+', 1, level)) tx
  FROM dual
    CONNECT BY regexp_substr(REPLACE('ABC,abc||D|@EF,def||G|HI,g hi||JKL,jkl','||','$'), '[^$]+', 1, level) IS NOT NULL

Try this.尝试这个。 Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。

REGEXP_SUBSTR (str, '[^,]+', 1, 1)    AS COL1
,REGEXP_SUBSTR (str, '[^,]+', 1, 2)    AS COL2
from (

   trim(regexp_substr('ABC,abc|DEF,def|GHI,ghi|JKL,jkl', '[^|]+', 1, LEVEL)) str
  CONNECT BY instr('ABC,abc|DEF,def|GHI,ghi|JKL,jkl', '|', 1, LEVEL - 1) > 0
We can use CTE(Common Table Expressions).  For the first part of your query try this:

with cte(i,strr1,strr2) as
select 1 as i,regexp_substr('ABC,abc|DEF,def|GHI,g hi|JKL,jkl','[A-Z]+',1,1) as strr1,regexp_substr('ABC,abc|DEF,def|GHI,g hi|JKL,jkl','[a-z]+(\s)*[a-z]+|[a-z]+(\s)*[a-z]+|',1,1) as strr2 from dual
union all
select i+1,regexp_substr('ABC,abc|DEF,def|GHI,g hi|JKL,jkl','[A-Z]+',1,i+1) as strr1,regexp_substr('ABC,abc|DEF,def|GHI,g hi|JKL,jkl','[a-z]+(\s)*[a-z]+|[a-z]+(\s)*[a-z]+|',1,i+1) as strr2 from cte where i+1<5
)select strr1,strr2 from cte;

Here's a different approach that handles nulls and does not risk altering any data.这是一种不同的方法,可以处理空值并且不会冒更改任何数据的风险。 It uses a with clause to break down the data by the delimiters, ending up with splitting on the commas.它使用 with 子句按分隔符分解数据,最后以逗号分隔。

ASSUMPTION: Steps have already been taken to ensure that the data has already been scrubbed of the delimiter characters (commas and pipes).假设:已经采取措施确保数据已经清除了分隔符(逗号和管道)。

-- Original data with multiple delimiters and a NULL element for testing.
with orig_data(str) as (
  select 'ABC,abc||||G|HI,g hi||JKL,jkl' from dual 
--Split on first delimiter (double-pipes)
Parsed_data(rec) as (
  select regexp_substr(str, '(.*?)(\|\||$)', 1, LEVEL, NULL, 1)
  from orig_data
  CONNECT BY LEVEL <= REGEXP_COUNT(str, '\|\|') + 1 
-- For testing-shows records based on 1st level delimiter
--select rec from parsed_data;

-- Split the record into columns
select regexp_replace(rec, '^(.*),.*', '\1') col1,
       regexp_replace(rec, '^.*,(.*)', '\1') col2
from Parsed_data;

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