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[英]How to print hex dump from a buffer in python?

I have a python snippet like this: 我有一个像这样的python代码段:

for i in range(0,siz-1):
       print "%s " % ret[i],

When I use %s it works fine and prints some alien characters on the console!! 当我使用%s它可以正常工作并在控制台上打印一些外来字符!

But how do I print hex dump of it. 但是我如何打印它的十六进制转储。

I tried: 我试过了:

print "%02x " % ret[i],

print "%02x " % hex(ret[i]),

print format(ret[i],'02x'),

print format(hex(ret[i],'02x'),

print "%02x " % hex(int(ret[i])),

All these things resulted in errors. 所有这些都导致错误。

A similar question is asked here but those answers didn't help me. 在这里提出类似的问题但是这些答案对我没有帮助。

How do I do this similar to c style printf("%02x ",ret[i]); 我该如何类似于c样式printf("%02x ",ret[i]);

I think you are looking for the character code which you can obtain with ord , then you can apply your method to print the character code hexadecimal: 我认为您正在寻找可以使用ord获得的字符代码,然后可以应用您的方法来打印十六进制的字符代码:

for c in ret:
   print "%s  -  %02x" % (c,ord(c))

Which gives as output: 输出为:

#  -  23
~  -  7e
�  -  c2
�  -  bd
|  -  7c
4  -  34

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