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[英]How can i parse specific data from XML via simplexml_load_file

I am facing the following XML: 我面临以下XML:

SimpleXMLElement Object
    [@attributes] => Array
            [valid_from] => 2015-12-14 13:00:00.0

    [currency] => Array
            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => AUD
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 17.0266


            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => HRK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.326


            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => DKK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.4771


            [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => EUR
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 26.0743


            [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => JPY
                            [quota] => 100
                            [rate] => 19.5504


SimpleXMLElement Object
    [@attributes] => Array
            [type] => XML_RATE_TYPE_EBNK_SALE_DEVIZA
            [valid_from] => 2015-12-14 13:00:00.0

    [currency] => Array
            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => AUD
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 18.1262


            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => HRK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.6161


            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => DKK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.7017


            [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => EUR
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 27.5739


            [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => JPY
                            [quota] => 100
                            [rate] => 20.813


SimpleXMLElement Object
    [@attributes] => Array
            [valid_from] => 2015-12-14 13:00:00.0

    [currency] => Array
            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => AUD
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 17.34581


            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => HRK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.46043


            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => DKK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.54232


            [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => EUR
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 26.46609


            [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => JPY
                            [quota] => 100
                            [rate] => 19.91697



SimpleXMLElement Object
    [@attributes] => Array
            [type] => XML_RATE_TYPE_EBNK_MIDDLE
            [valid_from] => 2015-12-14 13:00:00.0

    [currency] => Array
            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => AUD
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 17.736


            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => HRK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.53827


            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => DKK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.622


            [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => EUR
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 27.02


            [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => JPY
                            [quota] => 100
                            [rate] => 20.365



SimpleXMLElement Object
    [@attributes] => Array
            [type] => XML_RATE_TYPE_EBNK_SALE_VALUTA
            [valid_from] => 2015-12-12 00:00:00.0

    [currency] => Array
            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => AUD
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 18.3578


            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => HRK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.6435


            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => DKK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.7488


            [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => EUR
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 27.8306


            [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => JPY
                            [quota] => 100
                            [rate] => 21.0322


SimpleXMLElement Object
    [@attributes] => Array
            [valid_from] => 2015-12-12 00:00:00.0

    [currency] => Array
            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => AUD
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 17.0275


            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => HRK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.3251


            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => DKK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.4771


            [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => EUR
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 26.0743


            [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => JPY
                            [quota] => 100
                            [rate] => 19.5082


SimpleXMLElement Object
    [@attributes] => Array
            [type] => XML_RATE_TYPE_EBNK_SALE_DEVIZA
            [valid_from] => 2015-12-12 00:00:00.0

    [currency] => Array
            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => AUD
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 18.1272


            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => HRK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.6152


            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => DKK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.7017


            [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => EUR
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 27.5739


            [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => JPY
                            [quota] => 100
                            [rate] => 20.7681


SimpleXMLElement Object
    [@attributes] => Array
            [valid_from] => 2015-12-12 00:00:00.0

    [currency] => Array
            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => AUD
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 17.34679


            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => HRK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.45955


            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => DKK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.54232


            [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => EUR
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 26.46609


            [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => JPY
                            [quota] => 100
                            [rate] => 19.87394


SimpleXMLElement Object
    [@attributes] => Array
            [type] => XML_RATE_TYPE_EBNK_MIDDLE
            [valid_from] => 2015-12-12 00:00:00.0

    [currency] => Array
            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => AUD
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 17.737


            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => HRK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.53737


            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => DKK
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 3.622


            [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => EUR
                            [quota] => 1
                            [rate] => 27.02


            [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [name] => JPY
                            [quota] => 100
                            [rate] => 20.321




I am not fimilar with XML at all. 我根本不熟悉XML。 I have always used JSON. 我一直使用JSON。 I need to return 2 arrays from the XML. 我需要从XML返回2个数组。 the must listen to specific conditions. 必须听取具体情况。 I need only the [currency] array where the type is valid from today. 我只需要类型从今天开始有效的[currency]数组。 like 喜欢

[valid_from] => date('Y-m-d')

Online URL to the XML: XML的在线URL:

Link here 连结这里

I need two arrays one: 我需要两个数组之一:

@valid_from:2015-12-12 00:00:00.0


@valid_from:2015-12-12 00:00:00.0

You can use instead DomDocument - http://php.net/manual/en/class.domdocument.php 您可以改用DomDocument - http: DomDocument

it allows you to read xml and select its nodes 它允许您读取xml并选择其节点

// Example
$dom = new DomDocument();
$dom->loadXML( file_get_contents($path) ); // $path -> where your xml saved

// it has methods get element by tag name       
$tag = $dom->getElementsByTagName("some_tag_name");// it will return array
// it has methods get element attributees
$tag->item(0)->getAttribute('some_attribute'); // you can take 0 index and read its attribute 
// to take tag value you can
// ...

If this basic example is not enough, if you can post your xml in your uestion i can try to help you with creation of exact commands 如果这个基本示例还不够,如果您可以将xml张贴到我的文章中,我可以尝试帮助您创建确切的命令


$currencyArr1 = array();
$currencyArr2 = array();
$dom = new DomDocument();
$dom->loadXML( file_get_contents('') );//$path path to your xml

$exchangeRates = $dom->getElementsByTagName("exchange_rate");

foreach ($exchangeRates as $exchangeRate){

    $validFrom = $exchangeRate->getAttribute('valid_from');// Your date
    $type = $exchangeRate->getAttribute('type');// Your type

    //First array case
    //@valid_from:2015-12-12 00:00:00.0
        date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($validFrom)) == date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("2015-12-12 00:00:00")) ){

        $currencyes = $exchangeRate->getElementsByTagName("currency");

        foreach ($currencyes as $currency){
            $currencyArr1[] = array(
                    "name" => $currency->getAttribute("name"),
                    "quota" => $currency->getAttribute("quota"),
                    "rate" => $currency->getAttribute("rate"),

    //Second array case
    //@valid_from:2015-12-12 00:00:00
    if( $type == "XML_RATE_TYPE_EBNK_SALE_DEVIZA" && 
        date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($validFrom)) == date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("2015-12-12 00:00:00")) ){

        $currencyes = $exchangeRate->getElementsByTagName("currency");

        foreach ($currencyes as $currency){
            $currencyArr2[] = array(
                    "name" => $currency->getAttribute("name"),
                    "quota" => $currency->getAttribute("quota"),
                    "rate" => $currency->getAttribute("rate"),

echo "ARRAY1:"; var_dump($currencyArr1);
echo "<br /><br />ARRAY2:"; var_dump($currencyArr2);

If you're interested in using SimpleXML, you should use the xpath function . 如果您对使用SimpleXML感兴趣,则应使用xpath函数

For example, this should theoretically let you iterate through all of the elements named "exchange_rate" with type=XML_RATE_TYPE_EBNK_SALE_VALUTA 例如,从理论上讲,这应该使您可以遍历type=XML_RATE_TYPE_EBNK_SALE_VALUTA所有名为“ exchange_rate”的元素


You can then loop through the result and compare the values of different attributes (found through the attribute property ). 然后,您可以遍历结果并比较不同属性的值(可通过attribute属性找到)。

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