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如何重置Gimbal SDK触发器以进行调试?

[英]How do I reset Gimbal SDK triggers for debugging purposes?

I find it really hard to debug my app using Gimbal Places. 我发现使用Gimbal Places调试应用非常困难。

I have my Places/Communications set up and sometimes they do fire but once they fire I do not know how to reset the trigger so that I can check if its working. 我设置了我的位置/通讯,有时会触发,但是一旦触发,我不知道如何重置触发器,以便可以检查触发器是否正常工作。 I have to walk up and down the street and then sometimes it does not even fire. 我必须在街上走来走去,有时甚至不开火。

Is there a way to reset the trigger in my program ? 有没有办法在程序中重置触发器?

Thanks 谢谢

Sorry for the late response. 回复晚了非常抱歉。

The easiest way to create Gimbal Place Events, which in turn can generate Communicate Events, is to use a Gimbal Beacon. 创建万向节事件的最简单方法是使用万向节信标,进而可以生成通信事件。 You can purchase the Series 10 for $5 at the Gimbal Store. 您可以在Gimbal商店以$ 5的价格购买Series 10。 Powering the beacon on will trigger a Place Event once it leaves programmable mode, about 10 seconds. 信标通电后,一旦离开可编程模式,将触发一个放置事件,大约10秒钟。 Then you can create a departure event by powering the beacon off, by default it will take 30 seconds to depart (configurable in Gimbal Manager). 然后,您可以通过关闭信标电源来创建离开事件,默认情况下,离开该过程将需要30秒(可在Gimbal Manager中配置)。 Once you get the departure event you can trigger another arrival event by powering the beacon back on. 收到离开事件后,您可以通过重新打开信标来触发另一个到达事件。

You can also use geofences as described above to do this testing if a beacon is not available. 如果信标不可用,您也可以如上所述使用地理围栏进行此测试。 The issue with a geofence is generating the departure, which as described above requires you to actually leave the geofence. 地理围栏的问题导致了偏离,如上所述,这要求您实际离开地理围栏。 You can also generate arrival events by uninstalling and reinstalling the application. 您还可以通过卸载并重新安装应用程序来生成到达事件。 Each time it starts and you are in the geofence it will generate an arrival event. 每当它开始并且您在地理围栏中时,它将生成一个到达事件。

Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

The best way is to use USB Beacons, so you can plug/unplug them for testing. 最好的方法是使用USB信标,因此您可以插拔它们进行测试。 But if you prefer to use geofences there are apps that can fake your location with Android (I guess something similar for iOS). 但是,如果您更喜欢使用地理围栏,则有些应用程序可以使用Android伪造您的位置(我想iOS也会有类似的情况)。

But the best think to test it are USB beacons, at least for myself. 但最好的测试方法是USB信标,至少对于我自己而言。

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