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[英]What is difference between @PreAuthorize and @security annotation in Spring?

What is difference between @PreAuthorize and @Security annotations in Spring? Spring中的@PreAuthorize@Security批注有什么区别?

And what does it mean passing a parameter like @PreAuthorize("hasRole('USER_ROLE')") ? 传递诸如@PreAuthorize("hasRole('USER_ROLE')")类的参数是什么意思?

Do you mean @Secured instead of @Security , because I haven't heard of the latter. 您是说@Secured而不是@Security ,因为我还没有听说@Secured

@PreAuthorize simply specifies which role(s) a, currently logged in, user must have to execute a method. @PreAuthorize仅指定用户当前必须登录哪个角色才能执行方法。

@Secured does pretty much the same afair, but it's hardly ever used, because @PreAuthorize enables specifications that include AND . @Secured的用法差不多,但是几乎没有用过,因为@PreAuthorize启用了包含AND规范。

For example, @PreAuthorize("hasRole('DB_ADMIN') AND hasRole('ADMIN')") is not possible with @Secured . 例如, @PreAuthorize("hasRole('DB_ADMIN') AND hasRole('ADMIN')")是不可能的@Secured

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