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[英]jQuery autocomplete not working on clone

Currently working on jQuery autocomplete & clone. 目前正致力于jQuery自动完成和克隆。 In the beginning before clicking the add more button, the original field is working fine, but when I click the add more button that is clone the row that time auto complete not functioning. 在单击“ 添加更多”按钮之前的开始,原始字段工作正常,但是当我单击“ 添加更多”按钮时,克隆该行时间自动完成不起作用。

Here is this my HTML code 这是我的HTML代码

<div class="cloned-row1">
    <input type="text" id="txt_schName_1" class="ipt_Field required_Field txt_schName "/>
    <input type="button" class="btn_more edubtnmore btn_right edu_add_button" />

Here is my cloned jQuery code 这是我克隆的jQuery代码

 $(document).on("click", ".edu_add_button", function() {
         var $clone = $('.cloned-row1:eq(0)').clone(true, true);
         var num = $('.cloned-row1').length;
         $clone.find('[id]').each(function() {
           this.id += '_' + num;
           if ($(this).hasClass("required_Field")) {
           } else {
         $clone.find('.btn_more').after("<input type='button' class='btn_less1 edu_btnle' id='buttonless'/>");
         $clone.attr('id', "cloned-row" + (++count));
         $clone.find(".school_Name").attr('disabled', true).val('');
         $clone.find(".txt_schName").val('').attr('id', 'txt_schName_' + count);
         $clone.find(".degree_Description").attr('disabled', true).val('');
         autoComplete($('#txt_schName_' + count));

Here is my auto complete code 这是我的自动完整代码

 $(document).ready(function() {

function autoComplete(t) {
    highlightClass: "bold",
    source: function(request, response) {
      var regex = new RegExp(request.term, 'i');
      //var filteredArray = filteredArray.slice(0,10);
        url: "json/dummy.json",
        dataType: "json",
        data: {
          term: request.term
        success: function(data) {
          response($.map(data, function(item) {
            // This code is only for testing. It should be done on the server!
            if (regex.test(item.id) || regex.test(item.label)) {
              return item

    columns: [{
        field: 'id',
        title: 'Search School Name'
    }, {
        field: 'label',
        title: 'School Name'
    delay: 500,
    select: function (event, ui) {
        if (ui.item != undefined) {
            if (ui.item.label === "Other"){
                var schoolObj = $(".school_Name");
                   schoolObj.prop('disabled', false);

Average text field - add zero after decimal point 平均文本字段 - 小数点后加零

$(".ipt_Havg").focusout(function(event) {
         var nondecimalRegex = /^\d{1,6}$/,
           inputtxt = event.target.value,
           decimalRegex = /^\d{1,6}\.\d{3}$/;
         if (inputtxt.length > 0) {
           var resultVal;
           if (/^\d{1,6}$/.test(inputtxt)) {
             resultVal = inputtxt + ".000";
           } else if (/^\d{1,6}\.\d{1,3}$/.test(inputtxt)) {
             // count of zeros to add to the end of input val
             var c = 3 - inputtxt.split("\.")[1].length;
             resultVal = inputtxt + (c == 1 ? "0" : (c == 2 ? "00" : ""));
           } else {
             alert("The field can have a maximum of 6 digits before the decimal symbol, and 3 digits after the decimal symbol");
           this.value = typeof resultVal == "undefined" ? "" : resultVal;

When i searched through SO i found one solution that is in that link they asked to put autocomplete in a function and call the function after clone i did the same but still i am not geting i guess autocomplete was takking uuid concept correct if i am wrong. 当我搜索SO时,我发现一个解决方案在该链接中,他们要求在一个函数中放置自动完成并在克隆后调用该函数我做了同样的但仍然我没有测试我认为自动完成正在取消uuid概念正确如果我错了。

Here is the JSFiddle 这是JSFiddle

With my current code where I am able to do cloning and first time auto complete functionalities 使用我当前的代码,我可以进行克隆和第一次自动完成功能

Thanks in advance Any suggestion please 在此先感谢任何建议,请

Here some changes: 这里有一些变化:

  • first avoid to use deep cloning, with autocomplete il will copy events bound to autocomplete element and it will not work; 首先避免使用深度克隆,自动完成il将复制绑定到自动完成元素的事件,它将无法工作; so use clone() 所以使用clone()
  • the class/id on you are triggering autoComplete are wrong (eg missing selector type or wrong name), I tried to fix them 您触发autoComplete的类/ id是错误的(例如缺少选择器类型或错误的名称),我试图修复它们
  • after the first point the selection on the second autocomplete update the first row I have changed the select function to work on cloned 在第一个点之后,第二个自动完成的选择更新第一行我已经改变了select功能以便克隆


  <div class="input-group">
    <input type="text" id="txt_schName" class="ipt_Field txt_schName" />
    <p class="form-control-feedback"><i class="fa fa-search custom-mar"></i></p>

Js: JS:

$(document).on("click", ".edu_add_button", function() {
  var $clone = $('.cloned-row1:eq(0)').clone();
  var num = $('.cloned-row1').length;
  $clone.find('[id]').each(function() {
    this.id += '_' + num;
    if ($(this).hasClass("required_Field")) {
    } else {
  $clone.find('.btn_more').after("<input type='button' value='Delete' class='btn_less1 edu_btnle' id='buttonless'/>");
  $clone.attr('id', "cloned-row" + (++count));
  $clone.find(".school_Name").attr('disabled', true).val('');
  $clone.find(".txt_schName").val('').attr('id', 'txt_schName_' + count);
  $clone.find(".degree_Description").attr('disabled', true).val('');

  var dateobj = new Date();
  var datemonth;
  if (dateobj.getMonth() + 1 < 10) datemonth = "0";
  datemonth += dateobj.getMonth() + 1;
  var fulldate = datemonth + "-" + dateobj.getDate() + "-" + dateobj.getFullYear();
      dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",
      changeMonth: true,
      yearRange: "-100:+0",
      changeYear: true,
      maxDate: new Date(),
      showButtonPanel: false,

  var dateobj = new Date();
  var datemonth;
  if (dateobj.getMonth() + 1 < 10) datemonth = "0";
  datemonth += dateobj.getMonth() + 1;
  var fulldate = datemonth + "-" + dateobj.getDate() + "-" + dateobj.getFullYear();
      dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",
      changeMonth: true,
      yearRange: "-100:+0",
      changeYear: true,
      maxDate: new Date(),
      showButtonPanel: false,



Autocomplete: 自动完成:

select: function(event, ui) {
  if (ui.item != undefined) {
    if (ui.item.label === "Other") {
      var schoolObj = $(".school_Name");
      schoolObj.prop('disabled', false);

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/v835qe9o/ 演示: http//jsfiddle.net/v835qe9o/

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