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[英]HashMaps with Comparable keys not working as expected

We're facing weird issues with how HashMap behaves. 我们正面临有关HashMap行为的奇怪问题。

When HashMap keys implement Comparable interface but compareTo implementation is inconsistent with equals then HashMaps: 当HashMap键实现Comparable接口,但compareTo实现与equals不一致时,则HashMaps:

  • grow much larger then they are supposed to grow 变得更大,然后应该增长
  • they contain several instances of equal elements 它们包含相等元素的几个实例
  • values attached to those elements might differ 这些元素附加的值可能不同
  • get(key) result depends on which key is used (even if the keys are equal according to equals method). get(key)结果取决于使用哪个键(即使根据equals方法,这些键相等)。

I've created a small test to reproduce the problem (see below). 我创建了一个小测试来重现该问题(请参见下文)。

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class HashMapTest {
private static final char MIN_NAME = 'A'; 
private static final char MAX_NAME = 'K'; 
private static final int EXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS = MAX_NAME - MIN_NAME + 1; 

private HashMap<Person, Integer> personToAgeMap; 

    personToAgeMap = new HashMap(); 

public static void main(String[] args){
    HashMapTest objHashMap = new HashMapTest();
    System.out.println("Initial Size of Map: " + objHashMap.getPersonToAgeMap().size());

public HashMap<Person, Integer> getPersonToAgeMap(){
    return personToAgeMap;

public void whenOverridingEqualElements_thenSizeOfTheMapIsStable() { 
    System.out.println("Adding elements with age 1..");
    putAllPeopleWithAge(personToAgeMap, 1);
    System.out.println("Expected Number Of elements: " + EXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS+ "\nActual Number of elements: "+personToAgeMap.size());

    System.out.println("Overwriting map, with value 100..");
    putAllPeopleWithAge(personToAgeMap, 100);
    System.out.println("Expected Number Of elements: " + EXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS+ "\nActual Number of elements: "+personToAgeMap.size());

public void whenGettingElementUsingPersonOfAge1_thenOverridenValuesAreReturned() {      
    useAgeToCheckAllHashMapValuesAre(1, 100); 

public void whenGettingElementUsingPersonOfAge100_thenOverridenValuesAreReturned() {  
    useAgeToCheckAllHashMapValuesAre(100, 100); 

public void whenGettingElementUsingPersonOfAge50_thenOverridenValuesAreReturned() {  
    useAgeToCheckAllHashMapValuesAre(50, 100); 

public void whenGettingElementUsingPersonOfAgeMinus1_thenOverridenValuesAreReturned() {        
    useAgeToCheckAllHashMapValuesAre(-10, 100); 

private void useAgeToCheckAllHashMapValuesAre(int age, Integer expectedValue) { 
    System.out.println("Checking the values corresponding to age = " + age);
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

    int count = countAllPeopleUsingAge(personToAgeMap, age); 
    System.out.println("Count of People with age " + age+" =" + count);

    if (EXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS != count) { 
        sb.append("Size of the map ").append(" is wrong: ") 
            .append("expected <").append(EXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS).append("> actual <").append(count).append(">.\n"); 

    for (char name = MIN_NAME; name <= MAX_NAME; name++) { 
        Person key = new Person(name, age); 
        Integer value = personToAgeMap.get(key); 
        if (!expectedValue.equals(value)) { 
            sb.append("Unexpected value for ").append(key).append(": ") 
            .append("expected <").append(expectedValue).append("> actual <").append(value).append(">.\n"); 

    if (sb.length() > 0) { 

 void putAllPeopleWithAge(Map<Person, Integer> map, int age) { 
    for (char name = MIN_NAME; name <= MAX_NAME; name++) { 
        map.put(new Person(name, age), age); 

 int countAllPeopleUsingAge(Map<Person, Integer> map, int age) { 
    int counter = 0; 
    for (char name = MIN_NAME; name <= MAX_NAME; name++) { 
        if (map.containsKey(new Person(name, age))) { 
    return counter; 

 String getAllPeopleUsingAge(Map<Person, Integer> map, int age) { 
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
    for (char name = MIN_NAME; name <= MAX_NAME; name++) { 
        Person key = new Person(name, age); 
    return sb.toString(); 

 class Person implements Comparable<Person> { 
    char name; 
    int age; 

    public Person(char name, int age) { 
        this.name = name; 
        this.age = age; 

    //Making sure all elements end up in the very same bucket 
    //Nothing wrong with it except performance... 
    public int hashCode() { 
        return 0; 

    //equals is only by name 
    public boolean equals(Object other) { 
        Person otherPerson = (Person)other; 
        return this.name == otherPerson.name; 

     public String toString() { 
        return name + "[age=" + age + "]"; 

    //comparing by age 
    //NOTE: compareTo is inconsistent with equals which should be OK in non-sorted collections 
    public int compareTo(Person other) { 
        return this.age - other.age; 

Expected Output 预期产量

  Initial Size of Map: 0
 Adding elements with age 1..
{K[age=1]=1, J[age=1]=1, I[age=1]=1, H[age=1]=1, G[age=1]=1, F[age=1]=1,    E[age=1]=1, D[age=1]=1, C[age=1]=1, B[age=1]=1, A[age=1]=1}
Expected Number Of elements: 11
Actual Number of elements: 11

Overwriting map, with value 100..
{K[age=1]=100, J[age=1]=100, I[age=1]=100, H[age=1]=100, G[age=1]=100,  F[age=1]=100, E[age=1]=100, D[age=1]=100, C[age=1]=100, B[age=1]=100, A[age=1]=100}
 Expected Number Of elements: 11
 Actual Number of elements: 11

 Checking the values corresponding to age = 1
 Count of People with age 1 =11
 Checking the values corresponding to age = 100
 Count of People with age 100 =11
 Checking the values corresponding to age = 50
 Count of People with age 50 =11
 Checking the values corresponding to age = -10
 Count of People with age -10 =11

Actual OutPut 实际输出

Initial Size of Map: 0
Adding elements with age 1..
{I[age=1]=1, A[age=1]=1, B[age=1]=1, C[age=1]=1, D[age=1]=1, E[age=1]=1,  F[age=1]=1, G[age=1]=1, H[age=1]=1, J[age=1]=1, K[age=1]=1}
Expected Number Of elements: 11
Actual Number of elements: 11

Overwriting map, with value 100..
{I[age=1]=100, A[age=1]=1, B[age=1]=100, C[age=1]=1, D[age=1]=100, A[age=100]=100, C[age=100]=100, E[age=100]=100, H[age=100]=100, J[age=100]=100, K[age=100]=100, F[age=100]=100, G[age=100]=100, E[age=1]=1, F[age=1]=1, G[age=1]=1, H[age=1]=1, J[age=1]=1, K[age=1]=1}
  Expected Number Of elements: 11
  Actual Number of elements: 19

  Checking the values corresponding to age = 1
  Count of People with age 1 =11
  Unexpected value for E[age=1]: expected <100> actual <1>.
  Unexpected value for F[age=1]: expected <100> actual <1>.
 Unexpected value for G[age=1]: expected <100> actual <1>.
 Unexpected value for J[age=1]: expected <100> actual <1>.
  Unexpected value for K[age=1]: expected <100> actual <1>.

  Checking the values corresponding to age = 100
 Count of People with age 100 =10
 Size of the map  is wrong: expected <11> actual <10>.
 Unexpected value for B[age=100]: expected <100> actual <null>.

 Checking the values corresponding to age = 50
 Count of People with age 50 =5
 Size of the map  is wrong: expected <11> actual <5>.
 Unexpected value for B[age=50]: expected <100> actual <null>.
 Unexpected value for E[age=50]: expected <100> actual <null>.
 Unexpected value for F[age=50]: expected <100> actual <null>.
 Unexpected value for G[age=50]: expected <100> actual <null>.
 Unexpected value for J[age=50]: expected <100> actual <null>.
 Unexpected value for K[age=50]: expected <100> actual <null>.

 Checking the values corresponding to age = -10
 Count of People with age -10 =4
 Size of the map  is wrong: expected <11> actual <4>.
 Unexpected value for A[age=-10]: expected <100> actual <1>.
 Unexpected value for B[age=-10]: expected <100> actual <null>.
 Unexpected value for C[age=-10]: expected <100> actual <1>.
 Unexpected value for D[age=-10]: expected <100> actual <null>.
 Unexpected value for E[age=-10]: expected <100> actual <1>.
 Unexpected value for F[age=-10]: expected <100> actual <null>.
 Unexpected value for G[age=-10]: expected <100> actual <null>.  
 Unexpected value for H[age=-10]: expected <100> actual <null>.
 Unexpected value for J[age=-10]: expected <100> actual <null>.
  Unexpected value for K[age=-10]: expected <100> actual <null>.

As of Java 8, an optimization was added to HashMap to deal with collisions when keys are Comparable : 从Java 8开始,已将优化添加到HashMap以处理键为Comparable时的冲突:

To ameliorate impact, when keys are java.lang.Comparable , this class may use comparison order among keys to help break ties. 为了改善影响,当键为java.lang.Comparable ,此类可以使用键之间的比较顺序来帮助打破联系。

If your keys have a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals() , any number of odd things may happen, and in this case it looks like the map is trying to keep track of keys using the natural ordering. 如果您的键具有与equals()不一致的自然顺序,则可能发生许多奇怪的事情,在这种情况下,地图似乎试图使用该自然顺序来跟踪键。

I reproduced your unexpected results. 我转载了您意想不到的结果。 Then I removed Comparable from Person and all the checks passed. 然后我从“ Person删除了“ Comparable ,并通过了所有检查。 Then I restored Comparable , switched to OpenJDK 7, and all the checks passed. 然后,我恢复了Comparable ,切换到OpenJDK 7,并通过了所有检查。 Just to be sure, I switched back to Oracle Java 8, and again got your unexpected result. 可以肯定的是,我切换回Oracle Java 8,再次得到了您意想不到的结果。 Evidently, Oracle has done something "clever" with HashMap in Java 8. Keep up the good work, Oracle. 显然,Oracle使用Java 8中的HashMap做到了“聪明”。

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