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[英]Problems while Resizing or shrink Cycle2 slide show Images

Hello Stackoverflowers, 你好Stackoverflowers,

First of all thank you for reading this post. 首先,感谢您阅读这篇文章。 I am having a rough time trying to figure out how to make my Cycle 2 slideshow images shrink and move the images next to the other divs while resizing windows. 我正在艰难地尝试找出如何使我的Cycle 2幻灯片图像缩小并在调整窗口大小时将图像移到其他div旁边。 The funny thing is that when the slide show has only one png the image moves next to all other divs while resizing, but when I add another image to the slide show all the images stays in its own position and doesn't move with the shrink. 有趣的是,当幻灯片放映只有一个png时,图像在调整大小时会移动到所有其他div旁边,但是当我向幻灯片放映中添加另一个图像时,所有图像将保持在自己的位置并且不会随着缩小而移动。

here is my code for the Sector: 这是我的部门代码:

<div id="clientscont">
  <div class="Title2">Clients</div>

<div id="container">

   <div id="wrapper"> <div class="controller" id="prev2"></div><div class="controller" id="next2"></div></div>

<div id="slider2">  

  <img src="../image1.png" alt="" width="265" height="116" class="logoclient2"/>
  <img src="../image2.png"/>


I tried everything in positioning and display modes and even tried making them separate divs with different attributes....but can't make it work. 我在定位和显示模式下进行了所有尝试,甚至尝试将它们分隔为具有不同属性的div ....但无法使其正常工作。 I really need your help, I thank you all in advance. 我真的需要您的帮助,在此先感谢大家。

*For Cycle I am using jquery *对于周期我正在使用jQuery

Solved, 解决了,

changing css attribute to list-Item display solved the issue, it is the only display mode that worked, to solve the bullet problem just changed the font color to the actual background color to hide the bullet. 将css属性更改为list-Item display可以解决此问题,这是唯一可行的显示模式,要解决项目符号问题,只需将字体颜色更改为实际的背景颜色即可隐藏项目符号。 Now both images stayed centered while shrinking page. 现在,两个图像在缩小页面时都居中。 The truth is that i don't know the reason of this, if somebody could explain it would be perfect! 事实是,我不知道这样做的原因,如果有人可以解释,那将是完美的!

ShaloM! ShaloM! and Happy Coding! 和快乐的编码!

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