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NodeJS 更新用户 Bcrypt - 密码不会被散列

[英]NodeJS Updating User Bcrypt - Password doesn't get hashed

I'm trying to set set up an update function for user profiles on a Node.JS application with hash passwords using the bcrypt-nodejs module.我正在尝试使用 bcrypt-nodejs 模块为带有哈希密码的 Node.JS 应用程序上的用户配置文件设置更新功能。 It works when signing in, but when I am updating the profile it updates the user object with the plain text (ie: I type "text" for the password, the db shows "text").它在登录时工作,但是当我更新配置文件时,它会使用纯文本更新用户对象(即:我输入“文本”作为密码,数据库显示“文本”)。 I would like to hash the password when the profile is updated.我想在更新配置文件时散列密码。 How would I fix this?我将如何解决这个问题?

Below is my code for the controller:下面是我的控制器代码:

exports.editUser = function(req, res) {
 // user edit form set to findonendupdate
 User.findByIdAndUpdate({ _id: req.params.user_id, randString: req.body.randString }, req.body, function(err, user) { 

   if (err) 
   res.json({ data: user }); 

For reference this is the user model code that works with a new user registration:作为参考,这是适用于新用户注册的用户模型代码:

 passport.use('local', new LocalStrategy(
  function(username, password, callback) {
   User.findOne({ username: username } , function (err, user) {
     if (err) { return callback(err); }

     // No user found with that username
     if (!user) { return callback(null, false); }

     // Make sure the password is correct
     user.verifyPassword(password, function(err, isMatch) {
       if (err) { return callback(err); }

     // Password did not match
       if (!isMatch) { return callback(null, false); }

     // Success
       return callback(null, user);
User.findByIdAndUpdate({...}, req.body, function(err,...

Here you're receiving the password in req.body and telling it to update it directly as it is (plain text).在这里,您收到req.body的密码并告诉它直接更新它(纯文本)。

You need to hash it and then update你需要散列它然后更新

// retrieve the password field
var password = req.body.password

// update it with hash
bcrypt.hash(password, (hash) => {
  req.body.password = hash

  // then update
  User.findByIdAndUpdate({...}, req.body, function(err,... // then update

I just solved by converting plain text password to hashed password before updating password.我刚刚通过在更新密码之前将纯文本密码转换为散列密码来解决。

req.body.password = await bcrypt.hash(req.body.password, 8);

await Admin.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: req.body._id }, req.body, { new: true }, (err, doc) => {
                    if (!err) { 
                        req.flash('success', 'Admin Updated successfully!');
                        res.status(201).render('admin-views/admin/edit_admin', { success_message: req.flash('success'), admin: doc });
                    else {
                        res.render("admin-views/admin/edit_admin", {
                            admin: req.body

hope this code is works!希望这段代码有效!

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