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[英]How to prevent of giving vote to his own post?

I have a table named Votes like this: 我有一个名为Votes的表格,如下所示:

// Votes
| id | post_id | table_code | user_id | value | timestamp  |
| 1  |  1424   | 2          | 433     | 1     | 1445898101 |
| 2  |  53431  | 4          | 54      | -1    | 1443891149 |
  .     .        .         .       .
  .     .        .         .       .  

Now I want to know, how should I check Votes table that the new vote is belong to his-own-post or that post is from other guy? 现在我想知道,我应该如何检查“ Votes表新的投票属于他自己的帖子,还是该帖子来自其他人? Should I check $_SESSION['user_id'] with what? 我应该用什么检查$_SESSION['user_id']吗?

You should check for this when they're trying to vote, and not allow the vote. 当他们尝试投票时,您应该检查一下此内容,并且不允许投票。 Do a query like: 进行如下查询:

SELECT author_id
FROM Posts
WHERE id = $_POST[post_id]

Then check if the author is the same as the current user: 然后检查作者是否与当前用户相同:

if ($row['author_id'] == $_SESSION['user_id']) {
    echo "You can't vote on your own posts!";
} else {
    // insert into Votes table

If you want to do the check in INSERT query, you can do it like this: 如果要在INSERT查询中进行检查,可以这样进行:

INSERT INTO Votes (post_id, user_id, value, timestamp)
SELECT $post_id, $user_id, $value, $timestamp
WHERE $user_id != (SELECT author_id FROM Posts WHERE id = $post_id)

Then to report the error, you can get the number of rows affected by the query; 然后要报告错误,您可以获取查询影响的行数; if this is 0 , it means they tried to vote on their own post. 如果为0 ,则表示他们尝试对自己的帖子进行投票。

if (mysqli_affected_rows($conn) == 0) {
    echo "You can't vote on your own posts!";
} else {
    echo "Thank you, your vote has been recorded.";

You could do the check within your MySQL query. 您可以在MySQL查询中进行检查。 Don't forget to protect against MySQL injection. 不要忘记防止MySQL注入。 Not 100% sure about the syntax, but this should give you a good idea. 不能100%确定语法,但这应该给您一个好主意。

$answer = $MySQL->query("UPDATE Votes SET ['value'] = (['value']+1) WHERE post_id = ".$post_id." AND user_id != ".$SESSION['user_id']);
if($answer) return "Upvoted";
else return "Can't upvote yourself !";

EDIT : 编辑:

You should actually do a check in your Posts table first 您实际上应该先在Posts表中进行检查

$userWhoPosted= $MySQL->query("SELECT user_id FROM Post WHERE post_id = ".$post_id);
if($userWhoPosted != $_SESSION['user_id']){
    $answer = $MySQL->query("INSERT INTO Votes (post_id,user_id,value,timestamp) VALUES (".$post_id.",".$user_id.",".$value.",".$timeStamp.")  ")
else return "Can't upvotes yourself";

EDIT 2 : 编辑2:

$answer = $MySQL->query("INSERT INTO Votes (post_id,user_id,value,timestamp) VALUES (".$post_id.",".$user_id.",".$value.",".$timeStamp.") WHERE user_id != (SELECT user_id FROM Post WHERE post_id = ".$post_id.")  ")

You didn't give us enough information, but there is a classical solution in MySQL 您没有给我们足够的信息,但是MySQL中有一个经典的解决方案

// your fields here
CONSTRAINT uc_post_user_vote UNIQUE (post_id,user_id,value)

It means that one user won't be able give vote up or down twice for the same post. 这意味着一个用户将无法针对同一帖子两次投票。 Think abobut this, I hope it'll help you. 仔细考虑一下,希望对您有所帮助。

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