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[英]Laravel - Server can't set cache

I'm currently setting a lot of settings from my settings table, in my local server everything is fine, but the problem is in the online environment, I don't know if I need to configure anything, but it is not setting the cache, what can it be? 我目前正在settings表中设置很多设置,在本地服务器上一切正常,但是问题出在在线环境中,我不知道是否需要配置任何东西,但是它没有设置缓存,那会是什么?

class SettingsServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(Factory $cache, SettingRepository $settings)
            $settings = $cache->remember('settings', 60, function() use ($settings)
                return $settings->lists();
            config()->set('settings', $settings);
    public function register()

composer clear-cache && composer dump-autoload解决了这个问题

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