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获取列表所有组facebook graph api v2.5或如何使用v2.3?

[英]get list all groups facebook graph api v2.5 or how to use the v2.3?

well this is my get 好吧,这是我的

    public GraphResponse Get(String query,Bundle parameters)
        final GraphResponse[] respuesta = new GraphResponse[1];
        /* make the API call */

        new GraphRequest(
                new GraphRequest.Callback() {
                    public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
            /* handle the result */

                        respuesta[0] =response;
return  respuesta[0];

and this works fines with me queries now I tried with me/groups query, now if I try get all the group where user is memeber of, I got 这对me现在我尝试使用me/groups查询,现在如果我尝试获取用户所属的所有组,我得到了

  "data": [

this happens too on explorer in 这也发生在资源管理器中


on this last I had choosen all the permission and especial permission and I got the same answer. 最后,我选择了所有许可和特别许可,并且得到了相同的答案。


then my ask is, If there is not a way for get this list on V2.5 how can I (continue using the version 2.5) "change" for (only) this query the version to 2.3 where it does works? 那么我的问题是,如果没有办法在V2.5上获得此列表,我如何(仅使用)2.5版“继续”(仅使用此查询)将其版本更改为2.3可以正常工作的地方?

I tried doing this query /v2.3/me/groups but I got blank answer. 我尝试执行此查询/v2.3/me/groups但答案为空。

My app facebook was created "today" 我的应用程序Facebook是“今天”创建的


并非完全是您想要的,但是如果您知道组ID,则可以使用访问令牌和该URL查询所有成员,以开始使用https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/ {输入组ID} / members?access_token = {输入您的访问令牌}&limit = 1000

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