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使用JQuery.Validator AddMethod验证股票代码

[英]Using JQuery.Validator AddMethod to validate stock symbol

I am new to coding and I am not exactly sure what I am doing wrong here, but I am just to validate an input in a form against a few stock symbols. 我是编码的新手,我不确定在这里做错什么,但是我只是用几种股票代码来验证输入形式。 When I submit an symbol that isn't in the array, I do not receive the error message. 当我提交不在数组中的符号时,我不会收到错误消息。 My code is below. 我的代码如下。

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.14.0/jquery.validate.js"></script>

jQuery.validator.addMethod("vsymbol", function(value) 
    var symbols = ["GOOG", "AAPL", "MSFT", "DIS"];
        var in_array = $.inArray(value.toUpperCase(), symbols);
        if (in_array == -1) 
        return false;
        return true;
}, "Not a valid stock symbol");

  rules: {
    symbol: {
      required: true,
      symbol: true

<form id="myform" >
<label for="symbol">Ticker</label>    
<input name="symbol" type="text" class="vsymbol" />


You've created a new rule called vsymbol . 您已经创建了一个名为vsymbol的新规则。 However, when you use it, you've misspelled it as symbol . 但是,在使用它时,您将其拼写为symbol You must reference it correctly in order for it to get used... 您必须正确引用它才能使用它...

    rules: {
        symbol: { // <- name of the field
            required: true,
            vsymbol: true // <- name of the rule

If you've already assigned the rule via the rules object above, then it's totally redundant to assign it again within the field's class . 如果您已经通过上面的rules对象分配了规则,那么在字段的class再次分配它完全是多余的。 Just use one or the other. 只需使用其中一个即可。

<input name="symbol" type="text" class="vsymbol" />

Also, since your form's HTML markup comes after your JavaScript, your jQuery needs to be wrapped in a DOM ready event handler. 另外,由于表单的HTML标记位于JavaScript之后,因此jQuery需要包装在DOM ready事件处理程序中。

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.14.0/jquery.validate.js"></script>

    $(document).ready(function() {  // DOM ready event handler

        jQuery.validator.addMethod("vsymbol", function(value) {
            var symbols = ["GOOG", "AAPL", "MSFT", "DIS"];
            var in_array = $.inArray(value.toUpperCase(), symbols);
            return (in_array == -1) ? false : true;
        }, "Not a valid stock symbol");

            rules: {
                symbol: { // <- name of the field
                    required: true,
                    vsymbol: true // <- name of the rule


You may want to read this regarding your use of Allman coding style within JavaScript . 您可能需要阅读有关在JavaScript中使用Allman编码样式的信息

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