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[英]How do I update an array from MongoDB document that match a certain value?

I'm a new mongoDB user, and I'm confused on how to update my document. 我是mongoDB的新用户,我对如何更新文档感到困惑。

I have this document: 我有这个文件:

"_id" : ObjectId("5674c86aba97df0800995da7"),
"role" : "tutor",
"schools" : [ 
    "CHIJ Our Lady Of Good Counsel",
    "Nanyang Technological University"]

And I'd like to update the schools array from this document that matches a certain value from a var. 我想从此文档中更新与数组中某个值匹配的schools数组。 I've tried like this: 我已经试过像这样:

var schools = [{ "name": "Nanyang Technological University (NTU)", "value": "nanyang-technological-university-(ntu)" }];

// query
    "schools" : schools.name

// update


// options
    "multi" : true,  // update only one document
    "upsert" : false  // insert a new document, if no existing document match the query

But of course, it's not working. 但是,当然,它不起作用。 Can anyone help me with this? 谁能帮我这个? Thanks! 谢谢!

I need the document to be displaying this value after update: 我需要文档在更新后显示此值:

"_id" : ObjectId("5674c86aba97df0800995da7"),
"role" : "tutor",
"schools" : [ 
    "CHIJ Our Lady Of Good Counsel",

You could make use of the $ operator: 您可以使用$运算符:

  • for each item in the schools variable, 对于schools变量中的每个项目,
  • find records, with the corresponding name in the schools array field. schools数组字段中find具有相应name记录。
  • $set the new value at the position of the matched name using the $ positional operator. $set使用$位置运算符在匹配name的位置$setvalue

code: 码:

var schools=[{"name":"Nanyang Technological University", 


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