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[英]Go syscall call windows

Im currently trying to use user32.dll EnumWindows on Go but seems to not be working 我目前正试图在Go上使用user32.dll EnumWindows,但似乎无法正常工作

    user32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("user32.dll")
    procEnumWindows = user32.NewProc("EnumWindows")

func EnumWindows() int {
    ret, _, _ := procEnumWindows.Call(
    return int(ret)

func enumWindowsProc(hwnd syscall.Handle, lparam uintptr) bool {
    return true

Calling EnumWindows will give the following error: 调用EnumWindows会出现以下错误:

panic: compileCallback: output parameter size is wrong

Im not sure how should I use the syscall package... I cant seem to find enough documentation on it 我不知道应该如何使用syscall包...我似乎无法找到足够的文档

On the MSDN doc page it says that the callback should return a BOOL and thats what I am doing? 在MSDN文档页面上,它说回调应该返回一个BOOL,这就是我在做什么?

BOOL in WinAPI is declared as typedef int BOOL . WinAPI中的BOOL声明为typedef int BOOL So it doesn't match Go's bool . 所以它与Go的bool不匹配。 Specifications doesn't even mention what's the size it has. 规格甚至没有提到它的尺寸。 It's probably 1 byte but it doesn't say it. 它可能是1个字节,但它没有说出来。 You should use int32 instead. 你应该使用int32

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