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[英]Find files of the same type in the same directory with Python

Is there a way to find all the files of a particular file type that is specified and recursively call them to be read until you have read all of the files? 有没有一种方法可以找到指定的特定文件类型的所有文件,然后递归调用它们以进行读取,直到您读取所有文件为止? (This is in Ubuntu) (这是在Ubuntu中)

For example: 例如:

In directory /home you have files a.png , b.txt , c.txt , d.txt , e.jpeg and I would like to read all the file that are txt . /home目录中,您有a.pngb.txtc.txtd.txte.jpeg ,我想读取所有txt文件。

How would one do so in Python? 如何在Python中做到这一点?

Sub Question: Is it possible to do what was mentioned above with two different file types? 子问题:是否可以对两种不同的文件类型执行上述操作?

You could use glob.glob() to do this: 您可以使用glob.glob()执行此操作:

>>> from glob import glob

>>> glob('/home/*.txt')
['/home/c.txt', '/home/d.txt', '/home/b.txt']

>>> [glob(i) for i in ['/home/*.txt', '/home/*.jpeg']]
[['/home/c.txt', '/home/d.txt', '/home/b.txt'], ['/home/e.jpeg']]

Assuming you're using the extension of the file to guess the type, you could use os.listdir and filter the files based on the filename: 假设您使用文件扩展名猜测类型,则可以使用os.listdir并根据文件名过滤文件:

import os

for filename in os.listdir('.'):
    if filename.endswith('.txt'):
        # Do what you want to do

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