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[英]if else in .append based value of field in json to selected a select option html

$(document).on('click', '.bg-maroon', function () {

        var id = $(this).val();

            url: "<?= base_url('surveyor/c_surveyor_inspection/get_data_untuk_inspection_surveyor_dua'); ?>",
            type: "POST",
            data: {
                ID: id
            dataType: 'json',
            success: function (response) {

I get json like this : 我得到这样的json:

"header": [{
    "NO_INSPECTION": "55",
    "ID_CONDITION": "3",
"transaction": [{
    "NO_INSPECTION": "55",
    "NAMA_ITEM_INSPECTION": "Protection Box Cover",
    "CONDITION": "9",
    "ALIAS": "BE",
}, {
    "NO_INSPECTION": "55",
    "NAMA_ITEM_INSPECTION": "Manhole LID, Fastening Bolts",
    "CONDITION": "7",
    "ALIAS": "B",

Please, see on transaction array json. 请参阅transaction数组json。 There is two object that will be representated into two row html table. 有两个对象将被表示为两行html表。 I colaborated php with jquery. 我与jQuery合作php。 My problem is, I want to make option will be selected based "ID_ITEM_INSPECTION" field above. 我的问题是,我想根据上面的"ID_ITEM_INSPECTION"字段来选择选项。 This is the jquery combine php that I will be added in success ajax: 这是将在成功的ajax中添加的jQuery组合php:

$.each(response.transaction, function(i, item){
      $('#list2').find('tbody').append('<tr class="list2_var">' +
         '<td>' +
             '<select class="form-control" name="list2_item_0" id="list2_name_0">' +
                 '<option disabled selected>Pilih jenis kerusakan... </option>' +
                     foreach ($top_item->result() as $v) {
                       echo '<option value =' . $v->ID_ITEM_INSPECTION . ' >' . $v->NOMOR_ITEM_INSPECTION . '    - ' . $v->NAMA_ITEM_INSPECTION . '</option>';
                  ?>' +
           '</select>' +
        '</td>' +
        '<td class="del_area04">' +
          '<button type="button" class="list2_del btn btn-block btn-danger" style="display: block;"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></button>' +
        '</td>' +

So, the condition is, if in select option is same on response.transaction[i].ID_ITEM_INSPECTION , that option in select will be selected. 因此,条件是,如果response.transaction[i].ID_ITEM_INSPECTION中的select选项相同,则将选择select中的选项。 Is it possible ? 可能吗 ? Any help it so appreciated 任何赞赏的帮助

Add this code after your append function: 在您的append函数之后添加以下代码:

$('.form-control option[value="' + response.transaction[i].ID_ITEM_INSPECTION + '"]').prop('selected', true);

Look at this example on jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/gjeaqx9L/ 在jsFiddle上查看以下示例: https ://jsfiddle.net/gjeaqx9L/

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