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如何保持 <li> 元素固定的顶部和底部 <ul> 滚动时的元素

[英]How to keep <li> elements fixed top and bottom of <ul> element when scrolling

I have a ul with fixed height, which contian dynamic number of li elements, if too many a scrollbar appaers. 我有一个固定高度的ul ,如果有太多滚动条的话,那就是li元素的动态数量。 You can select a li element by clicking on it. 您可以通过单击选择li元素。

What I want is the li element that is active to be fixed at the top if scrolling aboveit or fixed at the bottom if scrolling below it, so the active li element is always showing, and the other li elements just scrolls past the active one. 我想要的是li元素,如果在上方滚动则固定在顶部,或者如果在其下方滚动则固定在底部,因此活动的li元素始终显示,而其他li元素只是滚动到活动元素之上。

I have made a plunker . 我做了一个傻瓜 I am using Angular, and I dont know if this can be solved just using CSS or if I need a directive etc. for this. 我正在使用Angular,我不知道这是否可以使用CSS解决,或者我是否需要一个指令等。

Html: HTML:

div class="parent">
 <div class="child1">
   <input ng-model="vm.query" type="text" placeholder="Search" />
    <ul  >
        <li ng-repeat="todo in  todos" ng-class="{'active': todo.active}" ng-click="activeTodo($index)">



   display: flex;

  background-color: #eeeeee;
  height: 500px;
 background-color: red;

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

I managed this using some CSS and making a directive. 我使用一些CSS并制定指令来管理它。

Made a plunker here . 在这里做了一个plu ..

I made a directive which every li element got. 我做了一个每个li元素得到的指令。 Then with jquery in the directive I get the necessary elements like the div which have the scroll, the current li element etc. 然后在指令中使用jquery,我得到必要的元素,比如div ,它有滚动,当前的li元素等。

Two booleans for checking if the li is fixed at the top or bottom. 两个布尔值用于检查li是固定在顶部还是底部。 And then just check if the current scrollPosition(scrollTop) is higher or lower then the current li element. 然后检查当前的scrollPosition(scrollTop)是否高于或低于当前的li元素。 And it also check so the li element got the active boolean attached too it. 它也检查所以li元素也附加了活动布尔值。

return {
        restrict: 'A',

        link: function($scope, element, attributes){

            var scrollDiv = $('#scrollDiv'),
                liElement = element,
                liElementTop = parseInt(liElement.offset().top),
                scrollDivTop = parseInt(scrollDiv.offset().top),
                isFixedTop = false,
                isFixedBottom = false;


            scrollDiv.on('scroll', function(){
                var scrollTop = scrollDiv.scrollTop();

                if (!isFixedBottom && !isFixedTop && scrollTop <= liElementTop - (scrollDivTop+(scrollDiv.height()-liElement.height())) && liElement.hasClass("active")) {
                    isFixedBottom = true;
                    liElement.css({'position': 'fixed', 'top': scrollDivTop+(scrollDiv.height()-liElement.height()+1),'list-style-type':'none','z-index':'10'});
                } else if (isFixedBottom && !isFixedTop && scrollTop >= liElementTop - (scrollDivTop+(scrollDiv.height()-liElement.height()))) {
                    isFixedBottom = false;
                    liElement.css({'position': 'static', 'top': 0});
                else if (!isFixedTop && !isFixedBottom && scrollTop >= liElementTop - scrollDivTop && liElement.hasClass("active")) {
                    isFixedTop = true;
                    liElement.css({'position': 'fixed', 'top': scrollDivTop,'list-style-type':'none','z-index':'10'});
                else if (isFixedTop && !isFixedBottom && scrollTop <= liElementTop - scrollDivTop) {
                    isFixedTop = false;
                    liElement.css({'position': 'static', 'top': 0});



If I understood you correctly you like the active div on top. 如果我理解你正确,你喜欢顶部的活跃div。

to solve this in css 在css中解决这个问题

use position:relative on parent and position:absolute on the child element with top:0 使用position:relative parent和parent的position:absolute子元素的position:absolutetop:0

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