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未定义的方法“ succesfully_sent?”,Rails 4和Devise密码恢复

[英]undefined method `succesfully_sent?'' , Rails 4 and Devise password recovery

My goal is to request password recovery using Ajax. 我的目标是请求使用Ajax恢复密码。

My form: 我的表格:

  <%= form_for(resource,:html => {"data-parsley-validate" => true,:id=>"password-recover-modal",:class=>"password-recover-modal"},:remote=> true,format: :json,as: resource_name, url: password_path(resource_name)) do |f| %>

    <div class="form-group">    
       <%= f.email_field :email, autofocus: true ,:class=> "user-input form-control", :id=>"email",:placeholder=>"E-pasts",required: true%>                                             

    <%= f.submit "Atgūt paroli",:class=> "blue-button btn btn-default"%>


I had to override Devise passwords controller: 我不得不重写Devise密码控制器:

class PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController

respond_to :json, only: [:create]

  def create
     user = resource_class.send_reset_password_instructions(resource_params)

          if succesfully_sent?(user)
               render json: { data: "something" }, status: 200
               render json: { data: "something bad" }, status: 400


E-mail with password recovery instructions was sent successfully. 包含密码恢复说​​明的电子邮件已成功发送。

Problem: 问题:

I can't get ajax response either there was error sending that e-mail or not. 发送该电子邮件是否出错,我都无法获得Ajax响应。

Eror message: 错误讯息:

undefined method `succesfully_sent'

Looks like a simple typo. 看起来像是一个简单的错字。

The method is successfully_sent? 该方法successfully_sent? and is defined in the DeviseController so should be available to any controller that inherits from it. 并且在DeviseController定义,因此任何继承自它的控制器都应可用。

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