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Spring MVC嵌套对象验证

[英]Spring MVC nested object validation

I have the following code in my controller 我的控制器中有以下代码

@RequestMapping(value = "employee/update", method = RequestMethod.POST, headers = "Accept=application/json")
    public UpdateEmployeeResponse updateEmployee(@RequestBody @Valid @ModelAttribute("updateEmployeeRequest") UpdateEmployeeRequest updateEmployeeRequest, BindingResult result) {

My Request object is as follows 我的Request对象如下

public class UpdateEmployeeRequest {
private Employee employee;

public class Employee {
protected String id;
protected String name;

When I send JSON request like (id is missing) 当我发送JSON请求时(id丢失)


My Request is not getting validated by spring(it doesn't show any error even if a field is missing). 我的请求未通过spring验证(即使缺少字段也不显示任何错误)。 I have gone through the following threads but no luck. 我已经完成了以下线程,但没有运气。

Can anyone help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

To ignore any unknown properties in JSON input without exception try using @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown=true) . 要毫无异常地忽略JSON输入中的任何未知属性,请尝试使用@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown=true)

Try this out 试试吧

Employee.java Employee.java

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class Employee
 protected String id;
 protected String name;

UpdateEmployeeRequest.java UpdateEmployeeRequest.java

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class UpdateEmployeeRequest {
 private Employee employee;

You don't mention whether you have a validator in the project. 您没有提到项目中是否有验证器。 In Maven add these dependencies: 在Maven中添加以下依赖项:

        <!-- Bean validation -->        

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