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[英]NuGet references, VS2015 and VS2013 compatibility

We're just dipping our toes into the VS 2015 water. 我们只是将脚趾浸入VS 2015水中。 Our references to internal NuGet packages seemed to be a pickle so I forced a reinstall on one particular package. 我们对内部NuGet程序包的引用似乎是个问题,因此我强制在一个特定的程序包上重新安装。

It reinstalled it, and all its dependencies, for the whole solution. 它为整个解决方案重新安装了它及其所有依赖项。 Afterwards, the .csproj files are missing their traditional references. 之后, .csproj文件将丢失其传统引用。

For example, this block/element existed in the project file before I updated: 例如,在我更新之前,该块/元素已存在于项目文件中:

<Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

My guess is that this is new behaviour, that now all references are NuGet packages. 我的猜测是这是新行为,现在所有引用都是NuGet包。 I actually thought this was only for new ASP.NET projects, these are old ASP.NET projects, so I didn't expect this new behaviour (if that's what it is). 我实际上以为这仅适用于新的ASP.NET项目,这些都是旧的ASP.NET项目,所以我没想到会有这种新行为(如果是这样的话)。

Is this new behaviour? 这是新行为吗? Will all the team now have to move to VS 2015 because the refs will be missing if I commit these changes and they open it in 2013? 现在,是否所有团队都必须转而使用VS 2015,因为如果我做出这些更改并且他们在2013年将其打开,则裁判将丢失。

Thanks 谢谢

Update: No response (Christmas) so x-posted at GitHub 更新:无响应(圣诞节),因此在GitHub上发布了x

https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/1866 https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/1866

To answer the question here: no, this is not how it should work; 在这里回答这个问题:不,这不是它应该如何工作的; reference elements are not removed from the XML in the .csproj file. 不会从.csproj文件中的XML中删除引用元素。

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