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R CMD检查失败

[英]R CMD Check fails

I am trying to build a package in R. I am documenting my functions (using R oxygen). 我正在尝试在R中构建一个软件包。我正在记录我的功能(使用R氧)。 As part of the documentation, I have added a few examples (using the tag @example). 作为文档的一部分,我添加了一些示例(使用标记@example)。 Now, one of my functions launches a Shiny App and I have provided an example on how to call this function in my documentation. 现在,我的一个功能启动了Shiny App,我在文档中提供了有关如何调用此功能的示例。

However, while performing a R CMD check, it reaches till this point: 但是,在执行R CMD检查时,它会达到这一点:

checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK

And then does not proceed any further. 然后就不继续进行了。 I believe it has got to do with the shiny app being tested as part of R CMD checks (When I remove this particular example, it executes completely without any glitches) 我相信这与作为R CMD检查的一部分进行测试的闪亮应用程序有关(当我删除此特定示例时,它完全执行而没有任何故障)

What can I do to address this issue? 我该怎么解决这个问题?

You can use \\donttest{ YOUREXAMPLE } 您可以使用\\donttest{ YOUREXAMPLE }

Looking around, I realize now there was a very complete synopsis of this here: What does "not run" mean in R help pages? 环顾四周,我现在意识到这里有一个非常完整的提要: R帮助页面中的“不运行”是什么意思?

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