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[英]Execute PHP Submit button Only if Javascript is true

I am trying to execute the mysql query using PHP form. 我试图使用PHP表单执行mysql查询。 Below is the form 以下是表格

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="signup.css" type="text/css">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="form_val.js"></script>
        <title>Untitled Document</title>
        <body bgcolor="#0ca3d2">
        <div align="right">
        <h2><a href="index.php">Go back</a></h2>
        <div class="form-style-10">
        <h1>Sign Up Now!<span>Sign up and tell us what you think of the site!</span></h1>

        <form action="#" method="post" name="myForm" onSubmit="CheckTerms()">
        <div class="section"><span>1</span>First Name &amp; Address</div>
        <div class="inner-wrap">
        <input type="text" name="First_Name" placeholder="Enter First Name" id="fname">
        <label id="error" style="color:red"></label>
        <input type="text" name="Last_Name" placeholder="Enter last Name"/>
        <label id="error_l" style="color:red"></label>
        <select name="gender">

        <option value="Male">Male</option>
        <option value="Female">Female</option>
        <div class="section"><span>2</span>Email </div>
        <div class="inner-wrap">
        <input type="text" name="Email_i" placeholder="enter email here" id="e_mail" />
        <label id="error_e" style="color:red"></label>
        <button type="button" name="validate" onclick="loadDoc(this.value)">Validate</button>
        <div id="check"></div></div>
        <div class="section"><span>3</span>Passwords</div>
        <div class="inner-wrap">
        <input type="password" name="pass" placeholder="Must be 6 to 15 characters" id="Pass" onBlur="PassCheck()" />
        <label id="error_p" style="color:red"></label>
        <input type="password" name="repass" placeholder="Retype Password" id="RePass"/>
        <label id="error_rp" style="color:red"></label>
        <span class="privacy-policy">
        <input type="checkbox" name="terms" value="value1" id="check_box">Agree to Terms and Conditions
        <input type="submit" name="signup" value="Register" id="sub_button">
        <label id="error_lable" style="color:red"></label>

I have the below form validation in Javascript, 我在Javascript中有以下表单验证,

function CheckTerms(){
        var letter = /^[a-zA-Z ]*$/;
        if(document.myForm.First_Name.value.match(letter) && document.myForm.First_Name.value =="")
        document.getElementById("error").innerHTML =  "* Please Provide First Name";
        return false;

        if(document.myForm.Last_Name.value.match(letter) && document.myForm.Last_Name.value =="" )
        document.getElementById("error_l").innerHTML =  "* Please provide your Last name!";
        document.myForm.Last_Name.focus() ;
        return false;

        var email =/^\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$/;
        if(document.myForm.Email_i.value.match(email) && document.myForm.Email_i.value=="")
        document.getElementById("error_e").innerHTML =  "* Please provide your EMAIL!"; 
        document.myForm.Email_i.focus() ;
        return false;

        var min = 6;
        var max = 15;

        if(document.myForm.pass.value.length < min || document.myForm.pass.value.length > max)
        document.getElementById("error_p").innerHTML =  "Password Should be betweeen 6 to 15 characters"; 
        document.myForm.pass.focus() ;
        return false;

        var pass = document.getElementById("Pass").value;
        var re = document.getElementById("RePass").value;

        if(pass != re)
        document.getElementById("error_rp").innerHTML =  "Password do not match";             
        return false;

        if(document.getElementById("check_box").checked == false)
          document.getElementById("error_lable").innerHTML =  "Please Check";
          return false;             

include "config.php"; 
//     my logic here


but the problem is, even the javascript returns the error, clicking the submit button , executes PHP script resulting the data entry into database. 但问题是,即使javascript返回错误,单击提交按钮,执行PHP脚本导致数据进入数据库。 I want to stop form submission if any of the javascript error exists. 如果存在任何javascript错误,我想停止表单提交。

You are not returning the boolean in the event even though you are doing it in the function. 即使您在函数中执行它,也不会在事件中返回布尔值。 onSubmit receives true by default and submits it. onSubmit默认接收true并提交它。

Change 更改



 onsubmit="return CheckTerms()"

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