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[英]guzzle php post request response issue

I am able to make a post request with guzzle php using the following code 我可以使用以下代码使用guzzle php发出发布请求

$request = $this->request('POST', $this->url, array('form_params' => $params));

Everything works fine. 一切正常。 But when I call 但是当我打电话


A string "root" is attached to the beginning of the content returned. 字符串“ root”附加到返回内容的开头。

I dont seems to understand why this is happening. 我似乎不明白为什么会这样。

Any assistance will be appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

An example of what I get when I var_dump is this 我在var_dump中得到的一个例子是

string(4) "root" 
  "name":"Thomas Paul"

Meanwhile in postman I get this 同时在邮递员中我得到了

 "access_token": "y9Jeovb3EERC4oE13yCS8WfFi3XK1eul4D4luwX3",
 "token_type": "Bearer",
 "expires_in": 604800,
 "user_id": 3,
 "user": {
   "id": 3,
   "name": "Thomas Paul"

This is a security measure as there is a known security vulnerability in some browsers. 这是一种安全措施,因为某些浏览器中存在一个已知的安全漏洞

Also the JSON API specs require this top level element . JSON API规范也需要此顶级元素

Guzzle is a really robust library. Guzzle是一个非常强大的库。 Maybe Postman isn't or maybe Postman removes the root element by itself... I don't know this. 也许邮递员不是,或者邮递员本身会删除根元素...我不知道这一点。

I solved the problem using a 我使用

substr($request->getBody()->getContents(), 17) 

of the response and was able to remove the unwanted strings and decoded it to json 响应,并能够删除不需要的字符串并将其解码为json

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