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[英]Different output in production and development mode(GWT)

I am working on draw a shape in GWT canvas. 我正在用GWT画布绘制形状。 Everything is working fine. 一切正常。 Only the problem is when I rendered shape in development mode then image draw correctly but when I ran same program in production then its draw same with some extra line. 唯一的问题是,当我在开发模式下渲染形状然后正确绘制图像时,但是当我在生产环境中运行相同的程序时,它的绘制却带有一些额外的线条。

I am not getting any idea why same program output behaves different in different mode. 我不知道为什么相同的程序输出在不同的模式下表现不同。

For extra information I also used awt in gwt program. 有关更多信息,我还在gwt程序中使用了awt。


Any idea why this work differently in different mode? 知道为什么它在不同模式下会有所不同吗?

I hope you are using the same versions of browsers when you test it in both your Development & Production environments, if not these problems are expected with GWT. 我希望您在开发和生产环境中对它们进行测试时都使用相同版本的浏览器,否则,GWT可能不会遇到这些问题。 I had faced similar issues on Production too, where my Development and Staging environments were hosting IE 10 whereas on Production environment, there were users who use IE 8 and 9. 我在生产环境中也遇到过类似的问题,我的开发和登台环境托管了IE 10,而在生产环境中,则有使用IE 8和9的用户。

To fix the issue I've written client specific (browser specific, browser version specific) CSS and JavaScripts... Hope this gives you a direction towards solving your problem! 为了解决这个问题,我编写了特定于客户端(特定于浏览器,特定于浏览器版本)的CSS和JavaScript ...希望这可以为您解决问题提供指导!

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