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[英]How to unzip file on javascript

I'm working on hybrid mobile app using html5/js. 我正在使用html5 / js开发混合移动应用程序。 It has a function download zip file then unzip them. 它具有下载zip文件然后将其解压缩的功能。 The download function is not problem but I don't know how to unzip file (using javascript). 下载功能不是问题,但我不知道如何解压缩文件(使用javascript)。 Many people refer to zip.js but it seems only reading zip file (not unzip/extract to new folder) 许多人都引用zip.js,但似乎只读取zip文件(而不是解压缩/提取到新文件夹)

Very appreciate if someone could help me !!! 非常感谢有人可以帮助我!

Have a look at zip.js documentation and demo page . 看看zip.js文档和演示页面 Also notice the use of JavaScript filesystem API to read/write files and create temporary files. 还要注意使用JavaScript 文件系统API来读取/写入文件并创建临时文件。

If the zip file contains multiple entries, you could read the zip file entries and display a table of links to download each individual file as in the demo above. 如果zip文件包含多个条目,则可以阅读zip文件条目并显示链接表,以下载每个单独的文件,如上面的演示中所示。

If you look the source of the demo page, you see the following code (code pasted from Github demo page for zip.js) (I've added comments to explain): 如果您查看演示页面的源代码,则会看到以下代码(从Github演示页面粘贴的zip.js代码)(我已经添加了注释来说明):

function(obj) {
//Request fileSystemObject from JavaScript library for native support
var requestFileSystem = obj.webkitRequestFileSystem || obj.mozRequestFileSystem || obj.requestFileSystem;

function onerror(message) {
//Create a data model to handle unzipping and downloading

var model = (function() {
    var URL = obj.webkitURL || obj.mozURL || obj.URL;

    return {
        getEntries : function(file, onend) {
            zip.createReader(new zip.BlobReader(file), function(zipReader) {
            }, onerror);
        getEntryFile : function(entry, creationMethod, onend, onprogress) {
            var writer, zipFileEntry;

            function getData() {
                entry.getData(writer, function(blob) {
                    var blobURL = creationMethod == "Blob" ? URL.createObjectURL(blob) : zipFileEntry.toURL();
                }, onprogress);
            //Write the entire file as a blob
            if (creationMethod == "Blob") {
                writer = new zip.BlobWriter();
            } else {
                //Use the file writer to write the file clicked by user.
                createTempFile(function(fileEntry) {
                    zipFileEntry = fileEntry;
                    writer = new zip.FileWriter(zipFileEntry);

(function() {
    var fileInput = document.getElementById("file-input");
    var unzipProgress = document.createElement("progress");
    var fileList = document.getElementById("file-list");
    var creationMethodInput = document.getElementById("creation-method-input");
    //The download function here gets called when the user clicks on the download link for each file.

    function download(entry, li, a) {
        model.getEntryFile(entry, creationMethodInput.value, function(blobURL) {
            var clickEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
            if (unzipProgress.parentNode)
            unzipProgress.value = 0;
            unzipProgress.max = 0;
            clickEvent.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
            a.href = blobURL;
            a.download = entry.filename;
        }, function(current, total) {
            unzipProgress.value = current;
            unzipProgress.max = total;

    if (typeof requestFileSystem == "undefined")
        creationMethodInput.options.length = 1;
    fileInput.addEventListener('change', function() {
        fileInput.disabled = true;
      //Create a list of anchor links to display to download files on the web page
        model.getEntries(fileInput.files[0], function(entries) {
            fileList.innerHTML = "";
            entries.forEach(function(entry) {
                var li = document.createElement("li");
                var a = document.createElement("a");
                a.textContent = entry.filename;
                a.href = "#";
         //Click event handler
                a.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
                    if (!a.download) {
                        download(entry, li, a);
                        return false;
                }, false);
    }, false);


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