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在Rails 4中向继承的模型添加验证

[英]add validations to inherited model in rails 4

The code is simply inherited model. 该代码只是继承的模型。 But unfortunately validation does not work. 但是不幸的是验证不起作用。 The idea is to select fathers from parrots. 这个想法是从鹦鹉中选择父亲。 When I loop @fathers - it shows all parrots but should select only those who have age more than 12 and so on. 当我循环@fathers时-它显示了所有的鹦鹉,但是应该只选择年龄大于12岁的那些,依此类推。 Or maybe I do something wrong? 还是我做错了什么?

Model 模型

  class Father < Parrot
  has_many :parrots
    validates :age, :numericality => { :greater_than => 12}
    validates :tribal, :acceptance => true
    validates_inclusion_of :sex, :in => %w( Male )

view 视图

  <% @fathers.each do || %>
    <%= f.name %> 
  <% end %>

controller 调节器

  def index
    @parrots = Parrot.all
    @fathers = Father.all

The validation criteria has nothing to do with how data is queried, just that it passes the defined criteria before object is written to the database. 验证标准与如何查询数据无关,只是在对象写入数据库之前数据已通过定义的标准。 Are you saying that Father object doesn't perform the validation and persists invalid data? 您是说Father对象不执行验证并保留无效数据吗?

Are you sure that all of the father parrots are being saved through the Father object? 您确定所有父级鹦鹉都通过“ Father对象保存了吗? You should also have a type column in your parrots column that has either 'Parrot' or 'Father' value. 您的parrots列中还应该有一个type列,该列具有“鹦鹉”或“父亲”值。 When you execute Father.all it should be running a query that looks like this: 当您执行Father.all它应该正在运行如下查询:

SELECT * FROM parrots WHERE type='Father';

filtering out parrots that were not saved through the Father object. 过滤掉没有通过Father对象保存的鹦鹉。

If you just need to pull Parrots that match Father criteria from the DB you can use scopes: 如果只需要从数据库中提取与Father条件匹配的Parrots ,则可以使用范围:

class Father < ActiveRecord::Base
   self.table_name = 'parrots'
   default_scope { where("age > 12 and tribal = 'true' and sex='Male'")}
   #whatever else

Here's additional information on Single Table Inheritance and scopes 这是有关单表继承范围的其他信息

Validations are used when the Father is saved. 当父亲被保存时,将使用验证。 The "type" column in the db will determine the class. 数据库中的“类型”列将确定类。 Be sure that is set correctly. 确保正确设置。

But, is Father really a separate class? 但是, Father真的是一个单独的班吗? Or just a Parrot with certain attributes. 或者只是具有某些属性的Parrot It seems that Parrot.all would include all Fathers. 似乎Parrot.all将包括所有父亲。

It may be a scope. 这可能是一个范围。

class Parrot < ActiveRecord::Base

  scope :fathers, -> { where(:sex => 'Male').where('age >= 12').where(:tribal => true) }


Then you can get fathers by 那你就可以得到父亲

@fathers = Parrot.fathers

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