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将iostat -d 1管道连接到python sys.stdin

[英]Piping iostat -d 1 to python sys.stdin

I am trying to pipe the output of utilities like iostat, mongostat, etc with the command: 我正在尝试使用以下命令通过管道传送iostat,mongostat等实用程序的输出:

$ iostat -d 1 | ./script.py

in which I am using the code: 我在其中使用代码:

for line in sys.stdin:
    print line

I see that it hangs and does not print each line to the console. 我看到它挂起了,并且没有将每行打印到控制台。 if I run without the flag to repeat every second '-d 1' where output only happens once, the script behaves as expected. 如果我运行时不带标志重复执行仅输出一次的第二个“ -d 1”,则脚本的行为与预期的一样。

$ iostat | $ iostat | ./script.py ./script.py

The data is being buffered, you can call iter on sys.stdout.readline : 数据正在缓冲中,您可以在sys.stdout.readline上调用iter

import sys
for line in iter(sys.stdin.readline,""):
    print line

Running iostat on it's own just outputs a few lines, iostat -d 1 loops continuously so the data gets buffered. iostat运行iostat仅输出几行, iostat -d 1连续循环,因此数据得到缓冲。

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