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春季休息休眠OneToMany / ManyToOne

[英]Spring Rest Hibernate OneToMany / ManyToOne

I'm trying to create a user table that has a OneToMany relationship using the username as a foreign key, however the username field in the ManyToOne relationship is coming through as Null every time. 我正在尝试使用用户名作为外键创建具有OneToMany关系的用户表,但是ManyToOne关系中的用户名字段每次都为Null。

Relationships: 关系:


    @OneToMany(targetEntity = Authority.class, cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="username")
    private Collection<Authority> authorities


    @Column(nullable = false, name="username")
    String username;

resulting tables: 结果表:

| id | username           | password  | enabled |
| 13 | will               | q         |       0 |
| 34 | I just got editted | adufhasdf |       1 |
| 36 | wakakawakwakaak    | ballz     |       0 |

| id | username | authority  |
|  6 | NULL     | ROLE_ADMIN |
|  7 | NULL     | ROLE_ADMIN |
|  8 | NULL     | ROLE_ADMIN |
| 12 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 13 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 14 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 17 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 18 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 19 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 20 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 21 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 22 | NULL     | none       |
| 23 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 24 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 25 | NULL     | none       |
| 26 | NULL     | none       |
| 27 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 28 | NULL     | none       |
| 29 | NULL     | ROLE_ADMIN |
| 30 | NULL     | ROLE_ADMIN |
| 31 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 39 | NULL     | ROLE_BASIC |
| 40 | NULL     | ROLE_USER  |
| 41 | NULL     | ROLE_USER  |
| 42 | NULL     | ROLE_USER  |
| 43 | NULL     | ROLE_ADMIN |
| 44 | NULL     | ROLE_ADMIN |
| 45 | NULL     | ROLE_USER  |

Your JoinColumn should be: 您的JoinColumn应该是:


This is because the field is identified as username in the Authority entity. 这是因为在Authority实体中将该字段标识为username

I think the reason is from the many-to-one side, you have to use the User object instead of the String. 我认为原因是从多对一的角度出发,您必须使用User对象而不是String。 Here is what i tried and it works. 这是我尝试过的,并且有效。

//User //用户

@OneToMany(targetEntity = Authority.class, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "user")
private Collection<Authority> authorities;

//Authority //权威

@JoinColumn(name="username", referencedColumnName = "username")
private User user;

Results: 结果:


Hope this help! 希望有帮助!

A simple answer turned up in the JPA docs. 在JPA文档中找到了一个简单的答案。

In user 在用户中

@OneToMany(targetEntity = Authority.class , cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name="username", referencedColumnName="username")
private List<Authority> authorities

and then the Authority 然后是管理局

@Column(nullable = false)
String username;

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