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带有过滤器的SQLAlchemy func.count

[英]SQLAlchemy func.count with filter

I'm using a framework that does pagination like this: 我正在使用一个像这样分页的框架:

def get_count_query(self):
    return self.session.query(func.count('*')).select_from(self.model)

def paginate(self):
    ... <irrelevant>...
    count = self.get_count_query.scalar()

I want to override the get_count_query method to use my own query because I'm filtering some results and get_count_query just returns all elements in the table. 我想覆盖get_count_query方法以使用我自己的查询,因为我正在过滤一些结果而get_count_query只返回表中的所有元素。 Queries are created dynamically, for example one query could be: 查询是动态创建的,例如,一个查询可以是:

Asset.query.join(StatusLabel).filter(StatusLabel.status == 'Deployable', or_(

I can count the elements in this query easily with query.count() : 我可以使用query.count()轻松计算此查询中的元素:

def get_count_query(self):
    q = Asset.query.join(StatusLabel).filter(StatusLabel.status == 'Deployable', or_(
    return q.count()

But this will fail once it reach the .scalar() method (and I cannot remove this method). 但是一旦它到达.scalar()方法就会失败(我无法删除此方法)。 So the question is: how can I apply func.count('*') to an existing query? 所以问题是:如何将func.count('*')应用于现有查询?

Can I retrieve the filters from my query and apply them to the func.count('*') query? 我可以从查询中检索过滤器并将它们应用于func.count('*')查询吗?

you can use select_from with join and filter 你可以使用select_fromjoinfilter

def get_count_query(self):
    return self.session.query(func.count('*')).select_from(Asset).join(StatusLabel)\
                                              .filter(StatusLabel.status == 'Deployable', or_(

with subquery 与子查询

def get_count_query(self):
    q = Asset.query.join(StatusLabel).filter(StatusLabel.status == 'Deployable', or_(

    return self.session.query(func.count('*')).select_from(q.subquery())

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