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[英]Parse email fields with Golang

I am trying to parse my emails in Go and I need help. 我正在尝试在Go中解析我的电子邮件,我需要帮助。

How to get access to Content-type field of mail? 如何访问邮件的“内容类型”字段?

    cmd, _ = c.Fetch(set, "BODY[HEADER]", "BODY[1]")
    for cmd.InProgress() {
    for _, rsp = range cmd.Data {
        header := imap.AsBytes(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["BODY[HEADER]"])
        body := imap.AsString(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["BODY[1]"])
        if msg, _ := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(header)); msg != nil {

with this I can gain access to Body and Header, but when email contain included file then with BODY[1] I have all meta-data, not only pure text. 这样,我就可以访问“正文”和“标题”,但是当电子邮件包含包含的文件时,使用BODY[1]我将拥有所有元数据,而不仅仅是纯文本。 To avoid that I can use BODY[1.1] , but I need condition by Content-Type:[multipart/alternative] and I can't gain access ot that field. 为了避免这种情况,我可以使用BODY[1.1] ,但是我需要使用Content-Type:[multipart/alternative]并且无法访问该字段。

Ok, so i figured it out by my self. 好的,所以我自己弄清楚了。 But anyway, maybe someone else interested in that. 但是无论如何,也许有人对此感兴趣。 You can have access to varios fields of mail by 您可以通过以下方式访问邮件的各种字段


and instead of Content-type you can put any header part name. 而不是Content-type您可以放置​​任何标题部分的名称。


to know what name fields it have 知道它有什么名字字段

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