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Neo4J Cypher Pattern语法

[英]Neo4J Cypher Pattern syntax

I am learning Neo4J, and while reading the book "Graph Databases" by O'Reilly, I came across a graph pattern which describes three friends, represented as nodes and the relationship direction between them signifying who is whose friend. 我正在学习Neo4J,在阅读O'Reilly的《图形数据库》一书时,我遇到了一种图形模式,该图形模式描述了三个表示为节点的朋友,它们之间的关系方向表示谁是谁的朋友。

Here's the diagram - 这是图表- 在此处输入图片说明

From the diagram, I can understand that - b knows a, c knows a and c knows b 从图中可以看出b knows a, c knows a and c knows b

But the Cypher query pattern isn't clear to me - 但是Cypher查询模式对我来说并不明确-

(a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)-[:KNOWS]->(c), (a)-[:KNOWS]->(c)

On the next section, where they describe the syntax, they mention - 在下一节中,在描述语法的地方,他们提到-

Using ASCII characters to represent nodes and relationships, we draw the data we're interested in. We use parantheses to draw nodes, and pairs of dashes and greater-than and less-than sign to draw relationships(- -> and <- -). 使用ASCII字符表示节点和关系,我们绘制感兴趣的数据。我们使用圆括号来绘制节点,并使用破折号和大于和小于号对来绘制关系(-->和<-- )。 The < and > signs indicate relationship direction. <和>符号指示关系方向。

If this is the case, (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)-[:KNOWS]->(c) signifies that a KNOWS b and b KNOWS c , and (a)-[:KNOWS]->(c) signifies that a KNOWS c . 如果是这种情况, (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)-[:KNOWS]->(c)表示a KNOWS bb KNOWS c ,以及(a)-[:KNOWS]->(c)表示a KNOWS c Isn't this the opposite of what the arrows in the diagram depict? 这不是图中箭头所描绘的相反吗?

That seems to be a mistake in the book. 这在书中似乎是一个错误。 The shown diagram is expressed by 所示图表示为

(a)<-[:KNOWS]-(b)<-[:KNOWS]-(c), (c)-[:KNOWS]->(a)

or 要么


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