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[英]Elasticsearch Get the values of a field from all the documents

I'm trying to get the values of a field from all the documents. 我正在尝试从所有文档中获取字段的值。 I tried the following without setting the id, in hopes that it would returns all the results, however, it objected and gave an error that I had to set the ID, which resulted in returning the value of just one field that has that id that I had specified: 我在没有设置id的情况下尝试了以下操作,希望它会返回所有结果,但是,它反对并给出了一个错误,我必须设置ID,这导致只返回一个具有该id的字段的值我指定了:

GetResponse response = NodeClient().prepareGet().setIndex("index-name")
GetField field = response.getField("id");
result = field.getValues();

How can I return a list of all the values of a field from all the documents I have in an index? 如何从索引中的所有文档中返回字段的所有值列表?

Thank you. 谢谢。

Instead of getting a single document by id, you need to perform a search for all documents: 您无需通过id获取单个文档,而是需要搜索所有文档:

SearchResponse response = NodeClient().prepareSearch("index-name")
    .setSource("id")             <---- list the fields you want to retrieve
    .setSize(1000)               <---- increase this is you have more documents

for (SearchHit hit : response.getHits()) { 
    String id = hit.getSource().get("id");
    // do something with the id value

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