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vim NERDTree键映射

[英]vim NERDTree key mapping

" ==== NERD tree
" Cmd-Shift-N for nerd tree
nmap <D-N> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
" Open the project tree and expose current file in the nerdtree with Ctrl-\
nnoremap <silent> <C-\> :NERDTreeFind<CR>:vertical res 30<CR>

I probably not understand that key mapping means: 我可能不了解键映射的含义:

`nmap <D-N>` maps `D` - Mac Command key ? 

<D-…> is the Command key on Mac OS X. That key can only be seen by the MacVim GUI. <D-…>是Mac OS X上的Command键。该键只能由MacVim GUI看到。

  • That mapping does nothing outside of the MacVim GUI, 该映射在MacVim GUI之外没有任何作用,
  • copying settings from someone else's vimrc is not a very good idea. 从别人的vimrc复制设置不是一个好主意。

See :help key-notation . 参见:help key-notation

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