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[英]Web test: how to filter matching data from a data source?

Noob question on web testing: In step 1 of my web test, I load a Foo record, which has a value of Score equal to 200. 关于Web测试的Noob问题:在Web测试的第1步中,我加载了Foo记录,该记录的Score值等于200。

In a datasource MyDataSource.csv I have data like so: 在数据源MyDataSource.csv我有如下数据:

Group No Value    Description
1        100      Not so good
2        175      OK
3        250      Pretty good
4        300      Excellent

Based on the value of the Score field, I want to set a context variable {{groupNo}} for use in following steps, which is the group with the highest value that is less than or equal to score. 基于“ Score字段的值,我想设置一个上下文变量{{groupNo}}以用于后续步骤,该变量是具有小于或等于score的最大值的组。 So in our example, the groupNo would be 2. 因此,在我们的示例中, groupNo为2。

How do I do that? 我怎么做?

Solved my own question. 解决了我自己的问题。 I created an ExtractionRule , and read the source data into a static collection. 我创建了ExtractionRule ,并将源数据读取到静态集合中。 In the Extract() method, I looked up the appropriate value from that collection and wrote the appropriate value to a context parameter. Extract()方法中,我从该集合中查找了适当的值,并将适当的值写入了上下文参数。

That's my workaround, though I'm open to accepting a different answer if anyone has a better solution. 这是我的解决方法,但是如果有人有更好的解决方案,我愿意接受其他答案。

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