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在PHP中的RESTful API中进行路由

[英]Routing in RESTful API in PHP

I am a bit familiar with PHP MVC. 我对PHP MVC有点熟悉。 Say, I have a controller like so: 说,我有一个像这样的控制器:

class Customers{

    public function method1( param1, param2, param3, ..., param_n ){


In my bootstraping page, I can grab a browser URL like so: 在我的bootstraping页面中,我可以像这样获取浏览器URL:

$url = explode('/', filter_var(rtrim( $_GET['url'], '/' ), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));

I do $controller = $url[0] and $method = $url[1] . 我做$controller = $url[0]$method = $url[1] Any other elements in $url after the second index are parameters and can be collected into an array variable, say $params . 第二个索引后$url任何其他元素都是参数,可以收集到数组变量中,比如$params Then I route to the relevant controller method and parameters like so: 然后我路由到相关的控制器方法和参数,如下所示:

call_user_func_array([$controller, $method], $params);

PLEASE NOTE: Above code is for illustration purposes. 请注意:以上代码仅供参考。 I always do checks in real-life situations. 我总是在现实生活中做检查。 Those checks are not shown here, so do not use the above examples for serious projects. 这些检查没有在这里显示,因此不要将上述示例用于严肃的项目。

Now, I want to implement a RESTful API using MVC pattern. 现在,我想使用MVC模式实现RESTful API。 What I already know: 我所知道的:

  1. No browser is involved, so $_GET['url'] is out of it. 没有涉及浏览器,因此$_GET['url']不在其中。
  2. The endpoint is obtained from $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] 端点是从$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
  3. The method is obtained from $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] 该方法是从$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']

How do I route to an endpoint, for example, customers/{12345}/orders to get the orders of a particular customer with id 12345 ? 如何路由到端点,例如customers/{12345}/orders以获取ID为12345的特定客户的订单?

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

The quickest way to achieve what you want would be to just use FastRoute . 实现您想要的最快捷方式就是使用FastRoute
But where is fun in that :) 但那里的乐趣在哪里:)

That said, I am a but confused about the premise of yours. 也就是说,我对你的前提感到困惑。 Is it a REST API, which will be consumed by some other code (like in a phone or a 3rd party web app), or is it a proper website, where you just want to get pretty URLs? 它是一个REST API,它将被其他一些代码(如电话或第三方Web应用程序)使用,或者它是一个合适的网站,您只想获得漂亮的URL?

Because if it's the former case, then making fancy URL parsing is completely pointless. 因为如果它是前一种情况,那么制作花哨的URL解析是完全没有意义的。 Instead of messing round with URLs, you should be reading this article . 你应该阅读这篇文章而不是乱七八糟的URL。 Real REST API does not need a fancy URL parsing. 真正的REST API不需要花哨的URL解析。

I will assume that what you are actually makingis a proper website, but with pretty URLs. 我会假设你实际制作的是一个合适的网站,但有漂亮的网址。

First you would have to implement a routing mechanism, which takes a list of regexp patterns, matches them agains your provided URL (which you could be extraction from $_GET['url'] or maybe $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] (your code actually wouldn't care from where the URL was gathered ... you shouldn't be accessing superglobals inside functions/classes). 首先,你必须实现一个路由机制,它采用一个正则表达式模式列表,再次匹配你提供的URL(你可以从$_GET['url']提取或者可能是$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] (你的代码实际上不会关注URL的收集位置......你不应该访问函数/类中的超全局。

A simple version of this is explained in this answer . 这个答案中解释了这个的简单版本。 I am to lazy to rewrite it all =P 我懒得重写它全部= P.

The second (and highly optional) part is creating code, that would take a human-readable route notation (like: /users/{id|[0-9]+} as an example) and turning it into the regular expression, which can be consumed by your routing mechanism. 第二个(也是高度可选的)部分是创建代码,它将采用人类可读的路由符号(例如: /users/{id|[0-9]+}作为示例)并将其转换为正则表达式,可以通过您的路由机制被消耗

If you decide to have the human-readable notations, then there are two major directions: 如果您决定使用人类可读的符号,那么有两个主要方向:

  • inline notations (see the example above or FastRoute) 内联符号(参见上面的示例或FastRoute)
  • config file (probably JSON or YAML) with notations 带有符号的配置文件(可能是JSON或YAML)

As for "how the end result might look like", you can probably look at the code sample here . 至于“最终结果可能如何”,您可以在这里查看代码示例。 That would illustrate one of the available option for the router's public interface. 这将说明路由器公共接口的可用选项之一。


Your question is vague and it is hard to understand what exactly would be helpful for you. 你的问题很模糊,很难理解对你有什么帮助。

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