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[英]Fat arrow usage with map

JavaScript newbie here. JavaScript新手在这里。 While trying to use Arrray.map with fat arrow, I am getting compilation errors. 尝试通过粗箭头使用Arrray.map时,出现编译错误。 Below is my sample code along with the error. 以下是我的示例代码以及错误。

 var employeesWithComplexLocation = [{ "name": "jon", "location": { "country": "usa", "city": "austin" } }, { "name": "jane", "location": { "country": "usa", "city": "houston" } }, { "name": "mary", "location": { "country": "usa", "city": "dallas" } }]; var employeesWithOnlyCity = employeesWithComplexLocation.map(function(element) { return { name: element.name, location: element.location.city }; }); console.log(employeesWithOnlyCity); console.log('Now using fat arrow:') employeesWithOnlyCity = employeesWithComplexLocation.map(e => { name: e.name, location: e.location.city }); console.log(employeesWithOnlyCity); 

Array.map works as expected with anonymous function, but gives below error when I use fat arrow instead. Array.map与匿名函数一样可以正常工作,但是当我使用粗箭头时却出现以下错误。

employeesWithOnlyCity = employeesWithComplexLocation.map(e => {
  name: e.name,
  location: e.location.city

SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

The fat arrow works fine with Array.every, or Array.filter. 粗箭头可以与Array.every或Array.filter一起使用。 Not sure what I am missing here with Array.map 不知道我在这里缺少Array.map

The reason your second usage is causing an error is because when using the javascript => operator {} denotes a function body, not an object. 您的第二种用法引起错误的原因是,当使用javascript =>运算符{}表示函数体,而不是对象。 The MDN article on Arrow functions mentions this here and provides a link to a more thorough explaination ( here ) that says this 关于Arrow函数的MDN文章在此处提到了这一点并提供了指向更详尽的解释( 此处 )的链接,

The rule in ES6 is that { immediately following an arrow is always treated as the start of a block, never the start of an object. ES6中的规则是{紧跟在箭头之后始终被视为块的起点,而不是对象的起点。

If you need to return an object from an arrow function you should wrap the object in parentheses to let Javascript know not to expect a statement block. 如果需要从箭头函数返回对象,则应将该对象括在括号中,以使Javascript知道不要使用语句块。

 var test = e => ({test: e}); document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(test("My Value")); 
 Value: <span id="output">...</span> 

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