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[英]naming a variable using a loop with array

I am having some trouble getting a loop to work. 我在使循环工作时遇到一些麻烦。 I am using the loop to match array values to variations of the variable test . 我正在使用循环将数组值与变量test变体匹配。 However, I am not sure how to properly go about this. 但是,我不确定如何正确地解决这个问题。 I am making a quiz about Star Wars, and tried to refine the original code through a loop (commented out). 我正在做一个关于星球大战的测验,并试图通过一个循环(注释掉)来改进原始代码。 Any help would be much appreciated for this amateur coder! 任何帮助将非常感谢这位业余编码器!

for (i=0; i<2;i++;){
    if (test[i] ==answers[i]){
    else ++incorr;
    if (test0.toLowerCase()=="chewbacca"){
    else ++incorr;
    if (test1.toLowerCase()=="princess leia"){
    } else ++incorr;
    if (test2.toLowerCase()=="han solo"){
    else ++incorr;
    if (test3.toLowerCase()=="rey"){
    else ++incorr; */
    alert("You got " + corr/(incorr+corr)*100 + " percent correct!");

The value extracted inside for loop is not a array but rather a simple value, so dont try to access it like a array test[i] . 在for循环中提取的值不是数组,而是一个简单的值,所以不要像数组test[i]那样尝试访问它。

also use === when comparing the variables for strict comparing else you will get undesired results. 在比较变量进行严格比较时也使用=== ,否则会得到不希望的结果。

for (var i=0; i<2; i++;) {
  if (test === answers[i]) {
  else ++incorr;

Note: For better performance run your script in strict mode, use strict; 注意:为了获得更好的性能,请在严格模式下运行脚本, use strict; , which would enforce you to declare all variables before using them. ,这将强制您在使用它们之前声明所有变量。 ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode 参考: https//developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode

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