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[英]How to change drag'n drop tooltip text in ExtJs?

I have two grids, where I defined drag and drop plugin like this: 我有两个网格,我在这里定义拖放插件,如下所示:

plugins: {
        ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop',
        dragGroup: 'secondGridDDGroup',
        dropGroup: 'firstGridDDGroup'

now, when I drag an item from one grid to another I see text "1 selected row" - how can I change this text? 现在,当我将一个项目从一个网格拖到另一个网格时,我看到文本“1个选定的行” - 如何更改此文本?

Use dragText config: 使用dragText配置:

The text to show while dragging. 拖动时显示的文本。

Two placeholders can be used in the text: 文本中可以使用两个占位符:

  • {0} The number of selected items. {0}所选项目的数量。
  • {1} 's' when more than 1 items (only useful for English). {1}'s'超过1项(仅对英语有用)。

Defaults to: '{0} selected row{1}' 默认为:'{0}选中的行{1}'

It is possible to set it dynamically using the onNodeOver event and something like: 可以使用onNodeOver事件动态设置它,例如:

dd.proxy.update("<span>Custom HTML here</span>");

Make sure you include a HTML tag as update() method calls setStyle. 确保包含HTML标记,因为update()方法调用setStyle。

See http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.0.1/classic/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html#method-update 请参阅http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.0.1/classic/Ext.dd.StatusProxy.html#method-update

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