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$ scope传递有延迟

[英]$scope passing has a Delay

I'm building an Angular pop-up system for multiple purposes. 我正在构建一个用于多种用途的Angular弹出系统。 The way it works is that I have a directive called bitPopup which three variables get passed on to ( type , action and data ) as shown below: 它的工作方式是我有一个名为bitPopup的指令,该指令将三个变量传递给( typeactiondata ),如下所示:

index.html 的index.html

<bit-popup type="popup.type" action="popup.action" data="popup.data"></bit-popup>

popup.js popup.js

app.directive('bitPopup', function () {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    template: html,
    scope: {
      type: '=',
      action: '=',
      data: '='

The popup controller then loads a different directive based on the type: 然后,弹出控制器根据类型加载另一个指令:

popup.html (The HTML template shown above) popup.html (上面显示的HTML模板)

<div class="pop-up" ng-class="{visible: visible}" ng-switch="type">
  <bit-false-positive-popup ng-switch-when="falsePositive" type="type" action="action" data="data"></bit-false-positive-popup>

false_positives.js (Containing the bitFalsePositivePopup directive) false_positives.js (包含bitFalsePositivePopup指令)

scope: {
  type: '=',
  action: '=',
  data: '='

And then the html template for the bitFalsePositivePopup directive displays some properties from data . 然后,用于bitFalsePositivePopup指令的html模板显示data一些属性。

Now the way I'm triggering a pop-up works like this: 现在,我触发弹出窗口的方式如下:

  1. From a template inside a directive containing the bitPopup directive i'll change $scope.popup 's type , action and data . 从包含bitPopup指令的指令内部的模板中,我将更改$scope.popuptypeactiondata
  2. I'll do $scope.$broadcast('showPopup'); 我将做$scope.$broadcast('showPopup');
  3. The bitPopup directive will react because of $scope.$on('showPopup', [...]}); 由于$scope.$on('showPopup', [...]}); bitPopup指令将作出反应$scope.$on('showPopup', [...]}); and makes the pop-up visible. 并使弹出窗口可见。

Now this really weird thing occurs where it works on the first try (the pop-up opens with the correct data information), but after the first try it will display the data from the previous try. 现在,这确实很奇怪,发生在第一次尝试的地方(弹出窗口打开并显示了正确的data信息),但是在第一次尝试之后,它将显示先前尝试的data

Now what's even weirder is that I tried logging the information on the first try and what I found out is that: 现在更奇怪的是,我第一次尝试记录信息时发现:

  • $scope.popup at index.html just before calling $scope.$broadcast('showPopup'); 在调用$scope.$broadcast('showPopup');之前,在index.html上的 $scope.popup $scope.$broadcast('showPopup'); displays the right information. 显示正确的信息。
  • $scope.data at the bitPopup directive displays null bitPopup指令处的$scope.data显示null
  • $scope.data at the bitFalsePositivePopup directive displays the right information. bitFalsePositivePopup指令处的$scope.data显示正确的信息。

On the second try: 在第二次尝试:

  • $scope.popup at index.html is correct again. index.html上的$scope.popup再次正确。
  • $scope.data at the bitPopup directive displays the information from the previous attempt bitPopup指令处的$scope.data显示上一次尝试的信息
  • The same holds for the bitFalsePositivePopup directive. bitFalsePositivePopup指令也是bitFalsePositivePopup

Another weird thing is that when I use $scope.$apply() it does work correctly, only it displays the $apply already in progress error. 另一个奇怪的事情是,当我使用$scope.$apply()可以正常工作时,仅显示$apply already in progress错误。 I know I shouldn't use $scope.$apply() in this case, because it's all Angular events. 我知道在这种情况下不应该使用$scope.$apply() ,因为这都是Angular事件。 But how is it possible that the passed scope is always a step behind? 但是,传递的范围怎么可能总是落后一步呢?

Am I doing something wrong to begin with? 首先我做错了什么吗?

EDIT: 编辑:

Because of amahfouz's answer I decided to post some more code for clarification. 由于amahfouz的回答,我决定发布更多代码进行澄清。 I left out some unimportant details for more clear reading. 我省略了一些不重要的细节,以使阅读更加清晰。

index.html 的index.html

<div class="falsePositives" ng-controller="falsePositives">
  <i class="fa fa-minus color-red" ng-click="triggerPopup('falsePositive', 'delete', {detection: getDetection(row.detection, row.source), source: row.source, triggers: row.triggers, hash: row.hash, date: row.date})"></i>
  <i class="fa fa-pencil" ng-click="triggerPopup('falsePositive', 'edit', {detection: getDetection(row.detection, row.source), source: row.source, triggers: row.triggers, hash: row.hash, date: row.date})"></i>

  <bit-popup type="popup.type" action="popup.action" data="popup.data"></bit-popup>

index.js index.js

var app = require('ui/modules').get('apps/falsePositives');

app.controller('falsePositives', function ($scope, $http, keyTools, bitbrainTools, stringTools) {
  function init() {
    $scope.getDetection = getDetection;

    $scope.popup = {
      type: null,
      action: null,
      data: null

  function getDetection(hash, source) {
    return {
      'ids': 'BitSensor/HTTP/CSRF',
      'name': 'CSRF Detection',
      'description': 'Cross domain POST, usually CSRF attack',
      'type': [
      'severity': 1,
      'certainty': 1,
      'successful': false,
      'input': ['s'],
      'errors': []

  $scope.triggerPopup = function (type, action, data) {
    $scope.popup = {
      type: angular.copy(type),
      action: angular.copy(action),
      data: angular.copy(data)



  function test() {
    console.log('$scope.popup: ', $scope.popup);

popup.html popup.html

<div class="pop-up-back" ng-click="hidePopup()" ng-class="{visible: visible}"></div>
<div class="pop-up" ng-class="{visible: visible}" ng-switch="type">
  <bit-false-positive-popup ng-switch-when="falsePositive" type="type" action="action" data="data"></bit-false-positive-popup>

popup.js popup.js

var app = require('ui/modules').get('apps/bitsensor/popup');

app.directive('bitPopup', function () {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    template: html,
    scope: {
      type: '=',
      action: '=',
      data: '='
    controller: function ($scope) {
      $scope.visible = false;

      $scope.$on('showPopup', function () {
        console.log('$scope.data: ', $scope.data);
        $scope.visible = true;

      $scope.$on('hidePopup', function () {

      function hidePopup() {
        $scope.visible = false;

      $scope.hidePopup = hidePopup;

false_positives.js false_positives.js

var app = require('ui/modules').get('apps/bitsensor/falsePositives');

app.directive('bitFalsePositivePopup', function () {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    template: html,
    scope: {
      type: '=',
      action: '=',
      data: '='
    controller: function ($scope, objectTools, bitbrainTools, keyTools) {

      function init() {
        console.log('$scope.data @ fp: ', $scope.data);

      function hidePopup() {
        $scope.data = null;

      $scope.$on('showPopup', function () {


      $scope.hidePopup = hidePopup;

如果没有其余代码,我只能猜测:您要么需要在显示弹出窗口时使用Promise,要么使用$ apply服务对弹出窗口的可见性进行更改。

surround your $broadcast event in $timeout like follow: 在$ timeout中包围您的$ broadcast事件,如下所示:

$timeout(function() {

It will wait for $scope update and then will trigger the event. 它将等待$ scope更新,然后触发事件。

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