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如何使用 Tensorflow Optimizer 而无需在每次迭代后返回控制的强化学习程序中重新计算激活?

[英]How to use Tensorflow Optimizer without recomputing activations in reinforcement learning program that returns control after each iteration?

EDIT(1/3/16): corresponding github issue编辑(1/3/16):相应的 github 问题

I'm using Tensorflow (Python interface) to implement a q-learning agent with function approximation trained using stochastic gradient descent .我正在使用 Tensorflow(Python 接口)来实现一个q-learning代理,该代理具有使用stochastic gradient descent训练的函数逼近。

At each iteration of the experiment, a step function in the agent is called that updates the parameters of the approximator based on the new reward and activation, and then chooses a new action to perform.在实验的每次迭代中,都会调用代理中的阶跃函数,根据新的奖励和激活更新逼近器的参数,然后选择要执行的新动作。

Here is the problem(with reinforcement learning jargon):这是问题所在(使用强化学习术语):

  • The agent computes its state-action value predictions to choose an action.代理计算其状态-动作值预测以选择动作。
  • Then gives control back to another program that simulates a step in the environment.然后将控制权交还给模拟环境中某个步骤的另一个程序。
  • Now the agent's step function is called for the next iteration.现在为下一次迭代调用代理的 step 函数。 I want to use Tensorflow's Optimizer class to compute the gradients for me.我想使用 Tensorflow 的优化器类来为我计算梯度。 However, this requires both the state-action value predictions that I computed the last step AND their graph.但是,这需要我计算最后一步的状态-动作值预测及其图表。 So:所以:
    • If I run the optimizer on the whole graph, then it has to recompute the state-action value predictions.如果我在整个图上运行优化器,那么它必须重新计算状态-动作值预测。
    • But, if I store the prediction (for the chosen action) as a variable, then feed it to the optimizer as a placeholder, it no longer has the graph necessary to compute the gradients.但是,如果我将预测(针对所选操作)存储为变量,然后将其作为占位符提供给优化器,则它不再具有计算梯度所需的图形。
    • I can't just run it all in the same sess.run() the statement, because I have to give up control and return the chosen action in order to get the next observation and reward (to use in the target for the loss function).我不能只在同一个sess.run()语句中运行它,因为我必须放弃控制并返回所选动作以获得下一个观察和奖励(用于损失函数的目标).

So, is there a way that I can (without reinforcement learning jargon):那么,有没有一种方法可以(不用强化学习术语):

  1. Compute part of my graph, returning value1.计算我的图表的一部分,返回 value1。
  2. Return value1 to the calling program to compute value2将 value1 返回给调用程序以计算 value2
  3. In the next iteration, use value2 to as part of my loss function for gradient descent WITHOUT recomputing the part of the graph that computes value1.在下一次迭代中,使用 value2 作为我的梯度下降损失函数的一部分,而无需重新计算图中计算 value1 的部分。

Of course, I've considered the obvious solutions:当然,我已经考虑了显而易见的解决方案:

  1. Just hardcode the gradients: This would be easy for the really simple approximators I'm using now but would be really inconvenient if I were experimenting with different filters and activation functions in a big convolutional network.只需对梯度进行硬编码:这对于我现在使用的非常简单的逼近器来说很容易,但如果我在大型卷积网络中试验不同的过滤器和激活函数,那将非常不方便。 I'd really like to use the Optimizer class if possible.如果可能的话,我真的很想使用 Optimizer 类。

  2. Call the environment simulation from within the agent: This system does this, but it would make mine more complicated, and remove a lot of the modularity and structure.从代理内部调用环境模拟: 这个系统就是这样做的,但它会使我的更复杂,并删除了很多模块化和结构。 So, I don't want to do this.所以,我不想这样做。

I've read through the API and whitepaper several times, but can't seem to come up with a solution.我已经多次阅读 API 和白皮书,但似乎无法提出解决方案。 I was trying to come up with some way to feed the target into a graph to calculate the gradients, but couldn't come up with a way to build that graph automatically.我试图想出一些方法将目标输入到图形中以计算梯度,但无法想出一种自动构建该图形的方法。

If it turns out this isn't possible in TensorFlow yet, do you think it would be very complicated to implement this as a new operator?如果事实证明这在 TensorFlow 中是不可能的,您认为将其作为新运算符实现会很复杂吗? (I haven't used C++ in a couple of years, so the TensorFlow source looks a little intimidating.) Or would I be better off switching to something like Torch, which has the imperative differentiation Autograd, instead of symbolic differentiation? (我已经有几年没有使用 C++ 了,所以 TensorFlow 源代码看起来有点吓人。)或者我最好还是切换到 Torch 之类的东西,它具有命令微分 Autograd,而不是符号微分?

Thanks for taking the time to help me out with this.感谢您花时间帮我解决这个问题。 I was trying to make this as concise as I could.我试图使它尽可能简洁。

EDIT: After doing some further searching I came across this previously asked question .编辑:在做了一些进一步的搜索之后,我遇到了这个以前问过的问题 It's a little different than mine (they are trying to avoid updating an LSTM network twice every iteration in Torch), and doesn't have any answers yet.它与我的有点不同(他们试图避免在 Torch 中每次迭代更新 LSTM 网络两次),并且还没有任何答案。

Here is some code if that helps:如果有帮助,这里有一些代码:

-Q-Learning agent for a grid-world environment.
-Receives input as raw RGB pixel representation of the screen.
-Uses an artificial neural network function approximator with one hidden layer

2015 Jonathon Byrd

import random
import sys
#import copy
from rlglue.agent.Agent import Agent
from rlglue.agent import AgentLoader as AgentLoader
from rlglue.types import Action
from rlglue.types import Observation

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

world_size = (3,3)
total_spaces = world_size[0] * world_size[1]

class simple_agent(Agent):

    discount_factor = tf.constant(0.5, name="discount_factor")
    learning_rate = tf.constant(0.01, name="learning_rate")
    exploration_rate = tf.Variable(0.2, name="exploration_rate")  # used to be a constant :P
    hidden_layer_size = 12

    #Network Parameters - weights and biases
    W = [tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([total_spaces * 3, hidden_layer_size], stddev=0.1), name="layer_1_weights"), 
    tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hidden_layer_size,4], stddev=0.1), name="layer_2_weights")]
    b = [tf.Variable(tf.zeros([hidden_layer_size]), name="layer_1_biases"), tf.Variable(tf.zeros([4]), name="layer_2_biases")]

    #Input placeholders - observation and reward
    screen = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, total_spaces * 3], name="observation") #input pixel rgb values
    reward = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[], name="reward")

    #last step data
    last_obs = np.array([1, 2, 3], ndmin=4)
    last_act = -1

    #Last step placeholders
    last_screen = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, total_spaces * 3], name="previous_observation")
    last_move = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape = [], name="previous_action")

    next_prediction = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [], name="next_prediction")

    step_count = 0

    def __init__(self):
        #Initialize computational graphs
        self.q_preds = self.Q(self.screen)
        self.last_q_preds = self.Q(self.last_screen)
        self.action = self.choose_action(self.q_preds)
        self.next_pred = self.max_q(self.q_preds)
        self.last_pred = self.act_to_pred(self.last_move, self.last_q_preds) # inefficient recomputation
        self.loss = self.error(self.last_pred, self.reward, self.next_prediction)
        self.train = self.learn(self.loss)
        #Summaries and Statistics
        tf.scalar_summary(['loss'], self.loss)
        tf.scalar_summary('reward', self.reward)
        #w_hist = tf.histogram_summary("weights", self.W[0])
        self.summary_op = tf.merge_all_summaries()
        self.sess = tf.Session()
        self.summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter('tensorlogs', graph_def=self.sess.graph_def)

    def agent_init(self,taskSpec):
        print("agent_init called")

    def agent_start(self,observation):
        #print("agent_start called, observation = {0}".format(observation.intArray))
        o = np.divide(np.reshape(np.asarray(observation.intArray), (1,total_spaces * 3)), 255)
        return self.control(o)

    def agent_step(self,reward, observation):
        #print("agent_step called, observation = {0}".format(observation.intArray))
        print("step, reward: {0}".format(reward))
        o = np.divide(np.reshape(np.asarray(observation.intArray), (1,total_spaces * 3)), 255)

        next_prediction = self.sess.run([self.next_pred], feed_dict={self.screen:o})[0]

        if self.step_count % 10 == 0:
            summary_str = self.sess.run([self.summary_op, self.train], 
                feed_dict={self.reward:reward, self.last_screen:self.last_obs, 
                self.last_move:self.last_act, self.next_prediction:next_prediction})[0]

            self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_step=self.step_count)
                feed_dict={self.screen:o, self.reward:reward, self.last_screen:self.last_obs, 
                self.last_move:self.last_act, self.next_prediction:next_prediction})

        return self.control(o)

    def control(self, observation):
        results = self.sess.run([self.action], feed_dict={self.screen:observation})
        action = results[0]

        self.last_act = action
        self.last_obs = observation

        if (action==0):  # convert action integer to direction character
            action = 'u'
        elif (action==1):
            action = 'l'
        elif (action==2):
            action = 'r'
        elif (action==3):
            action = 'd'
        #print("return action returned {0}".format(action))
        self.step_count += 1
        return returnAction

    def Q(self, obs):  #calculates state-action value prediction with feed-forward neural net
        with tf.name_scope('network_inference') as scope:
            h1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(obs, self.W[0]) + self.b[0])
            q_preds = tf.matmul(h1, self.W[1]) + self.b[1] #linear activation
            return tf.reshape(q_preds, shape=[4])

    def choose_action(self, q_preds):  #chooses action epsilon-greedily
        with tf.name_scope('action_choice') as scope:
            exploration_roll = tf.random_uniform([])
            #greedy_action = tf.argmax(q_preds, 0)  # gets the action with the highest predicted Q-value
            #random_action = tf.cast(tf.floor(tf.random_uniform([], maxval=4.0)), tf.int64)

            #exploration rate updates
            #if self.step_count % 10000 == 0:
                #self.exploration_rate.assign(tf.div(self.exploration_rate, 2))

            return tf.select(tf.greater_equal(exploration_roll, self.exploration_rate), 
                tf.argmax(q_preds, 0),   #greedy_action
                tf.cast(tf.floor(tf.random_uniform([], maxval=4.0)), tf.int64))  #random_action

        Why does this return NoneType?:

        flag = tf.select(tf.greater_equal(exploration_roll, self.exploration_rate), 'g', 'r')
        if flag == 'g':  #greedy
            return tf.argmax(q_preds, 0) # gets the action with the highest predicted Q-value
        elif flag == 'r':  #random
            return tf.cast(tf.floor(tf.random_uniform([], maxval=4.0)), tf.int64)

    def error(self, last_pred, r, next_pred):
        with tf.name_scope('loss_function') as scope:
            y = tf.add(r, tf.mul(self.discount_factor, next_pred)) #target
            return tf.square(tf.sub(y, last_pred)) #squared difference error

    def learn(self, loss): #Update parameters using stochastic gradient descent
        #TODO:  Either figure out how to avoid computing the q-prediction twice or just hardcode the gradients.
        with tf.name_scope('train') as scope:
            return tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self.learning_rate).minimize(loss, var_list=[self.W[0], self.W[1], self.b[0], self.b[1]])

    def max_q(self, q_preds):
        with tf.name_scope('greedy_estimate') as scope:
            return tf.reduce_max(q_preds)  #best predicted action from current state

    def act_to_pred(self, a, preds): #get the value prediction for action a
        with tf.name_scope('get_prediction') as scope:
            return tf.slice(preds, tf.reshape(a, shape=[1]), [1])

    def agent_end(self,reward):

    def agent_cleanup(self):

    def agent_message(self,inMessage):
        if inMessage=="what is your name?":
            return "my name is simple_agent";
            return "I don't know how to respond to your message";

if __name__=="__main__":

Right now what you want to do is very difficult in Tensorflow (0.6).现在你想做的事情在 Tensorflow (0.6) 中是非常困难的。 Your best bet is to bite the bullet and call run multiple times at the cost of recomputing the activations.最好的办法是硬着头皮多次调用运行,代价是重新计算激活。 However, we are very aware of this issue internally.但是,我们内部非常清楚这个问题。 A prototype "partial run" solution is in the works, but there is no timeline for its completion right now.原型“部分运行”解决方案正在开发中,但目前尚无完成时间表。 Since a truly satisfactory answer might require modifying tensorflow itself, you could also make a github issue for this and see if anyone else has anything to say on this there.由于真正令人满意的答案可能需要修改 tensorflow 本身,因此您也可以为此提出一个 github 问题,看看是否还有其他人对此有话要说。

Edit: Experimental support for partial_run is now in. https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/client/session.py#L317编辑:现在对 partial_run 的实验性支持。https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/client/session.py#L317

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