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[英]Alamofire: 'weak' cannot be applied to non-class type error

I understand that this will throw error when use weak on non-reference type data. 我知道在对非引用类型的数据使用weak时会抛出错误。 But, I use it on a class that is created by myself. 但是,我在自己创建的类上使用它。 Just wondering anyone having the same issue. 只是想知道有人遇到同样的问题。

internal static func registeruUser(email email: String, username: String, password: String, completion: (user: TSUser?, error: NSError?) -> Void) {

    let baseURL = NSLocalizedString("sign_up", comment: "")
    let headers = ["Accept": "application/json",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"]
    let parameters = ["email": email, "name": username, "password": password]

    Alamofire.request(.POST, baseURL, headers: headers, parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON).responseJSON {
        [weak self] response in // compiler error

        if let weakSelf = self {
            switch response.result {
            case .Success:
                if let value = response.result.value {

                    let json = JSON(value)
                    if let jsonUser = json["user"].dictionaryObject,
                        let user = Mapper<TSUser>().map(jsonUser) as TSUser? {

                            currentUser = user
                            weakSelf.storeUserToCache() // compiler error
                            completion(user: user, error: nil)
                    else {
                        completion(user: nil, error: NSError(domain: "ResponseError:Something wrong with data from [TSUser]registeruUser", code: -1, userInfo: nil))
            case .Failure(let error):
                completion(user: nil, error: error)

This is my class declaration: 这是我的课堂宣言:

@objc class TSUser: NSObject, Mappable, NSCoding

I am intended to call storeUserToCache() but got another error: Missing argument for parameter #1 in call 我打算调用storeUserToCache()但出现另一个错误: Missing argument for parameter #1 in call

Here is the func : 这是func

private func storeUserToCache() {
    if let currentUser = TSUser.currentUser {
        NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject(currentUser, toFile: self.getUserPath())

Anyone has any ideas to go through the Swift compiler? 任何人都有任何想法可以通过Swift编译器吗?

Paulw11 is correct. Paulw11是正确的。 Because I am using static , that's why self does not make any sense. 因为我使用的是static ,这就是为什么self没有任何意义的原因。 Low level mistake. 低级错误。 Problem solved. 问题解决了。


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