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[英]FileOutputStream creates a file, but FileInputStream

I am using a FileOutputStream to create a file in an activity that is not my MainActivity . 我正在使用FileOutputStream在不是MainActivity的活动中创建文件。 The file is created, and when I destroy the activity, the data I want is written, but when I relaunch the activity from my MainActivity , the file cannot be found. 创建文件后,销毁活动时,将写入所需的数据,但是当我从MainActivity重新启动活动时,找不到文件。 What can I change in my code so that I don't get a fileNotFoundException ? 我可以在代码中进行哪些更改,以免出现fileNotFoundException The relevant code is here: 相关代码在这里:

try {
 fis = new FileInputStream("words");
 ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
 fnfexception = e1;

} catch (IOException ioe) {
EOFException eof = null;

int counter = 0;
if (fnfexception == null) {
 while (eof == null) {
  try {
   if (words == null) words = new Dict[1];
   else words = Arrays.copyOf(words, counter + 1);
   words[counter] = (Dict) ois.readObject();
  } catch (EOFException end) {
   eof = end;
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
  } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) {
wordStartCount = counter;
wordCount = counter;
fnfexception = null;

try {
 fos = openFileOutput("words", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
 oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);

} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
 fnfexception = e1;

} catch (IOException ioe) {

You used wrong way to read from an internal file, use the following code 您使用错误的方式读取内部文件,请使用以下代码

try {
    FileInputStream fis = context.openFileInput("file_name");
    int content;
    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
    while ((content = fis.read()) != -1)
        str.append((char) content);
    String savedText = str.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {

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