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[英]how to mock an alert in unit testing of angular

I am trying to mock the alert used in my application 我试图模拟我的应用程序中使用的警报

Here is my factory code 这是我的工厂代码

 app.factory('Handler', ['config', '$location',function (config, $location){
    return {
        log: function (message, data) {
            if (config.DEBUG) {
                alert('Alert Message (' + message + "):\n" + JSON.stringify(data));

I tried to write the mock test for this alert as 我尝试将此警报的模拟测试编写为

 describe("checking  Handler service " , function(){
  var Handler, mock ;
  mock = {alert: jasmine.createSpy()};
    Handler = _Handler_;
it("should check for alert",function(){
    spyOn(Handler, "log");
    expect(mock.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Alert Message (A):\n "B" ');

}); });

But I get this error whenver I try running jasmine test 但是当我尝试运行茉莉花测试时,我收到此错误

Expected spy unknown to have been called with [ 'Alert Message (A): "B" ' ] but it was never called.

You can simply mock the function. 你可以简单地模拟这个功能。 I have choosen to use $window instead. 我选择使用$ window代替。 I removed the config since I wasn't sure where you were getting this. 我删除了配置,因为我不知道你在哪里得到这个。 And I removed the '/n' from the result, since it was messing with the compare. 我从结果中删除了'/ n',因为它搞乱了比较。 But this is the way to go: 但这是要走的路:

angular.module('MyApp', [])

.factory('Handler', ['$location', '$window', function ($location, $window){
    return {
        log: function (message, data) {
           $window.alert('Alert Message (' + message + "): " + JSON.stringify(data));

And the test: 而且测试:

 describe("checking  Handler service " , function(){
    var Handler, _$location_, $window;


    beforeEach(function($provide) {
       module(function ($provide) {
         $window = { alert: function(message) {

         spyOn($window, "alert");
         $provide.value('$window', $window);

    beforeEach(inject( function(_Handler_, _$location_) {
       Handler = _Handler_;
       $location = _$location_;

       spyOn(Handler, "log").andCallThrough();


  it("should check for alert",function(){
      expect(Handler.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('A', 'B');
      expect($window.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Alert Message (A): "B"' );

You can see the result in this plunkr . 你可以在这个plunkr中看到结果。

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