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[英]java8 convert string array to map(odd index is key, even index is value)

Now I have a String array, 现在我有一个String数组,

String[] a= {"from","a@a.com","to","b@b.com","subject","hello b"};

from command line arguments. 从命令行参数。

I want to convert it to Map, 我想将它转换为Map,

{"from":"a@a.com","to":"b@b.com","subject":"hello b"}

Does exist convenient manner in java8 to achieve this? 在java8中是否存在方便的方式来实现这一点? Now my way is 现在我的方式是

Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i+=2) {
    String key = args[i].replaceFirst("-+", ""); //-from --> from
    map.put(key, args[i+1]);

You can use an IntStream to iterate on the indices of the array (which is required in order to process two elements of the array each time) and use the Collectors.toMap collector. 您可以使用IntStream迭代数组的索引(这是每次处理数组的两个元素所必需的)并使用Collectors.toMap收集器。

The IntStream will contain a corresponding index for each pair of elements of the input array. IntStream将包含输入数组的每对元素的相应索引。 If the length of the array is odd, the last element will be ignored. 如果数组的长度为奇数,则将忽略最后一个元素。

Map<String,String> map = 
             .collect(Collectors.toMap(i->a[2*i].replaceFirst("-+", ""),

In Java 8 you can use Stream.iterate to divide list to sublists of 2 elements 在Java 8中,您可以使用Stream.iterate将列表划分为2个元素的子列表

    String[] a= {"from","a@a.com","to","b@b.com","subject","hello b"};

    Map<String, String> map = Stream.iterate(
        Arrays.asList(a), l -> l.subList(2, l.size()))
            .limit(a.length / 2)
                l -> l.get(0).replaceFirst("-+", ""),
                l -> l.get(1))

Another recursive solution using simple Iterator 另一种使用简单Iterator递归解决方案

Map<String, String> map = buildMap(new HashMap<>(), Arrays.asList(a).iterator());

private static Map<String, String> buildMap(
        Map<String, String> map, Iterator<String> iterator) {
    if (iterator.hasNext()) {
        map.put(iterator.next().replaceFirst("-+", ""), iterator.next());
        createMap(map, iterator);
    return map;

You can do this quite elegant with Javaslang : 你可以用Javaslang做到这一点非常优雅:

String[] a= {"from","a@a.com","to","b@b.com","subject","hello b"};

Map<String, String> map = Stream.of(a).grouped(2) // use javaslang.collection.Stream here
  .map(group -> group.toJavaArray(String.class))
  .toJavaStream() // this is the plain old java.util.Stream
  .collect(toMap(tuple -> tuple[0], tuple -> tuple[1]));

The grouped function groups your stream in groups of 2 elements. grouped函数将您的流分组为2个元素组。 These can be transformed to string arrays and those can be the base of a Map . 这些可以转换为字符串数组,这些可以作为Map的基础。 Probably Javaslang allows you to do even more elegant. 可能Javaslang可以让你做得更优雅。

The trick is to first join the string, then split it up into key/value pairs , then the task is simple: 诀窍是首先加入字符串,然后将其拆分为键/值 ,然后任务很简单:

Map<String,String> map = Arrays.stream(
    String.join(",", a)
          .map(s -> s.split(","))
          .collect(Collectors.toMap(s -> s[0], s -> s[1]))

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