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通过Parse.com将dart2js输出与Cloud Code一起使用

[英]Using dart2js output with Cloud Code by Parse.com

First, I transpose the javascript example into a dart one. 首先,我将javascript示例转换为飞镖示例。


Parse.Cloud.define('hello', function(request, response) {
  response.success('Hello world');


import 'dart:js' show allowInterop;
import 'package:js/js.dart' show JS;

external void define(String name, Function func);

void main() {
  define('hello', allowInterop((req, res) {

Then I compile it using dart2js (with csp or not). 然后,我使用dart2js编译(是否使用csp)。

Finally I run parse deploy and I get 最后,我运行parse deploy并且得到

ReferenceError: self is not defined
    at <error: TypeError: Object #<error> has no method '__lookupGetter__'>
    at main.js:2539:9
    at init.currentScript (main.js:2519:7)
    at main.js:2534:5
    at main.js:2542:3

and now, here I am... 现在,我在这里

How I could get it work on parse.com which is a nodejs env I presume. 我如何在parse.com上获得它的工作,我认为这是一个nodejs env。

self is effectively not defined in the environement provided by parse.com, so I defined self such as var self = this; self被有效地不通过parse.com提供的environement定义的,因此我定义selfvar self = this; in the dart2js output. 在dart2js输出中。

I get a new error, about success$1 is not defined. 我收到一个新错误,未定义success$1 Well, that's true, my code is still incomplet... 好吧,没错,我的代码仍然不完整...

Dart code should like this: Dart代码应如下所示:

import 'dart:js' show allowInterop;
import 'package:js/js.dart' show JS, anonymous;

external void define(String name, Function func);

class HttpResponse {
  external void success(String msg);
  external void error(String msg);

void main() {
  define('hello', allowInterop((req, HttpResponse res) {

Now, everything work. 现在,一切正常。 I can enjoy my sunday. 我可以享受我的星期天。

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