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[英]Xcode autolayout - dynamic constraints

In the picture below you can see "prototype" of menu I need to create. 在下面的图片中,您可以看到我需要创建的菜单的“原型”。


I managed to do it with only single item in the middle, but how can I achieve exactly the same result as you can see in the picture ? 我设法只在中间放置了一个物品,但是如何获得与您在图片中看到的完全相同的结果?

Each circle should be a separate element. 每个圆圈应该是一个单独的元素。

If I have understood your problem, then following is the solution. 如果我了解您的问题,那么下面是解决方法。

Add following constraints as shown in screenshot, I have also included result achieved in simulator with these constraints in screenshot. 如屏幕快照中所示添加以下约束,我还将这些约束包含在模拟器中实现的结果。

And for setting borderWidth and corner radius I have used run time attributes which is also shown in screenshot. 为了设置borderWidth和转角半径,我使用了运行时属性,该属性也显示在屏幕截图中。

Edit- Added new ScreenShot. 编辑-添加了新的ScreenShot。


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